Brain Training Articles & News, Page 271

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Live Long and Prosper: 5 Games to Make your Brain more Logical

Improve Logic and Reasoning Everybody knows somebody who always says “I’m a logical person” or “I think rationally.” And many times we assume that being a logical thinker is just a personality trait – but the truth is, logical thinking can be trained and improved. Years ago, logic was taught in elementary school classrooms – ...

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Memory Christmas-style!

Christmas Memory Game: Brain Booster! The holidays are full of stress, worry, and lots of sugar. All of thesecan affect your memory, at least temporarily. See if your mind is as sharpas one of Santa’s elves, even after you ate your 27th snowman cookie!Find reindeer, angels, presents, boots, skates, and other Christmas items.Start off easy ...

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Welcome to LearningRx!

Welcome to our new LearningRx Brain Training Blog! Here you’ll find information about everything related to brain training: what it is, how it works, and how LearningRx helps propel struggling students to the top of the class. At LearningRx, we have a passion to help kids (and their families) get past painful and frustrating struggles ...

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What is LearningRx Brain Training?

Learning Rx is the most effective solution to learning and reading problems caused by cognitive skill weaknesses. And since over 80% of learning problems are caused by cognitive skill weakness, we are confident that our brain training programs will help the majority of struggling students. LearningRx is much more than a tutoring program. We’ve helped ...

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