Brain Training Articles & News, Page 42

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

How Math and Reading Skills Are Interrelated

Would it surprise you to learn that math skills and reading skills are deeply related to each other? That means, when a learner struggles in one subject, they may also experience challenges in the other. It also means that, if a learner needs math help, they may find that reading help benefits them as well! ...

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Young Adult Brain Injury Recovery: Getting Your Life Back

After a TBI or concussion, it can be hard to adjust to a new “normal.” Your brain has changed, and every area of your life has been impacted. Brain injury recovery can happen quickly for some individuals; however, for others, there are long-term effects that have to be managed.  Did You Know… Brain injuries are ...

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Executive Function in College: Build the Skills You Need to Work Independently and Effectively

College life is an exciting journey marked by newfound freedom and opportunities for personal and academic growth. As a college student, you’re not only pursuing knowledge in your chosen field but also gaining vital life skills that will serve you beyond the classroom. One such skill set that holds immense importance in college and beyond ...

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Accommodations vs. a Root Cause Approach in Learning Interventions

When your child struggles in school, learning interventions become a necessary part of your life. Learning just doesn’t come naturally to some kids, and supporting them where they are is critical to build up their confidence, excitement for learning, and ability to thrive in school. However, not all learning interventions are long-term solutions to actually ...

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Optimizing Executive Functioning

Have you ever heard a teacher say something along the lines of, “Your student is really smart, but …”? Or perhaps you’ve seen it first-hand with your own child or teen—an otherwise bright student who just can’t seem to stay organized or motivated to complete their homework. Or maybe they struggle to pay attention or ...

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If Your Child is Struggling, You Have 3 Main Options

Accommodate Accommodations are a passive strategy that accepts the current struggles as permanent, and copes by lowering expectations or using medications (like ADHD medication) to control behavior. An IEP would be an example of this.   For example, when a child is diagnosed with ADHD, they often receive accommodations that allow them to do their work in ...

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If Your Child is Struggling, You Have 3 Main Options

Accommodate Accommodations are a passive strategy that accepts the current struggles as permanent, and copes by lowering expectations or using medications (like ADHD medication) to control behavior. An IEP would be an example of this.   For example, when a child is diagnosed with ADHD, they often receive accommodations that allow them to do their work in ...

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If Your Child is Struggling, You Have 3 Main Options

Accommodate Accommodations are a passive strategy that accepts the current struggles as permanent, and copes by lowering expectations or using medications (like ADHD medication) to control behavior. An IEP would be an example of this.   For example, when a child is diagnosed with ADHD, they often receive accommodations that allow them to do their work in ...

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3 Active Studying Strategies to Help Students Take Ownership of Their Learning

When it comes to middle school, high school, and college, it’s so important for kids to begin the process of taking ownership of their study sessions. Passive studying (like reviewing notes) is not sufficient for most learners. Instead, it’s critical that students learn strategies to actively engage with the material they’re trying to learn so ...

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Get Your Child Reading Help As Test Scores Fall Nationwide

With the upheaval of the past few years, it’s no surprise that learners need reading help now more than ever. According to recent data on test scores from the National Assessment of Educational Progress, reading scores have dropped across the country since 2020. These scores are lower than they’ve been in decades—emphasizing the need for ...

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