Brain Training Articles & News, Page 44

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Games and Activities to Build Visual Processing Skills

Visual processing skills are crucial for interpreting, analyzing, and understanding the visual information that bombards us daily. These skills involve the brain’s ability to perceive, process, and make sense of visual stimuli, which is essential for tasks ranging from reading and learning to navigation and problem-solving. There are actually several sub-categories of visual processing skills ...

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What Part of Executive Function is Your Child Struggling With?

Kids who struggle to stay motivated and engaged in school (and life) often struggle with executive function. This is a critical network of skills that governs your ability to start on a task, stay motivated and engaged throughout, and create an efficient plan to get the work done. While it’s a broad umbrella of skills, ...

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School Psychologist Turned LearningRx Researcher!

School Psychologist Turned LearningRx Researcher! Evan struggled with reading and spelling. His mom, Amy, was a school psychologist and they had tried various ways to help him.  The issue became urgent when Evan’s spelling continued to decline.  It was determined that the root cause of Evan’s difficulties was low auditory processing.  He struggled to blend and discriminate sounds ...

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School Psychologist Turned LearningRx Researcher!

Evan struggled with reading and spelling. His mom, Amy, was a school psychologist and they had tried various ways to help him.  The issue became urgent when Evan’s spelling continued to decline.  It was determined that the root cause of Evan’s difficulties was low auditory processing.  He struggled to blend and discriminate sounds which made spelling and decoding ...

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School Psychologist Turned LearningRx Researcher!

Evan struggled with reading and spelling. His mom, Amy, was a school psychologist and they had tried various ways to help him.  The issue became urgent when Evan’s spelling continued to decline.  It was determined that the root cause of Evan’s difficulties was low auditory processing.  He struggled to blend and discriminate sounds which made spelling and decoding ...

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Tips to Improve Reading Fluency

Reading fluency is a crucial skill that plays a significant role in academic success and overall comprehension. Fluent readers can effortlessly decode and understand text, making the learning process smoother and more enjoyable. If your child struggles to read fluently, here are some things to consider. Why is Reading Fluency Important? Reading fluency is vital ...

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One on One Tutoring in Atlanta

If learners don’t enjoy the classroom, they may dread the thought of one on one tutoring. Instead, why not try one on one brain training with LearningRx Atlanta – Buckhead? Through dynamic, intense training programs, we help students get the one on one learning assistance they need. Each of our programs is personalized to each ...

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Does Your Child’s Brain See Well? How Visual Processing Goes Beyond Eyesight

Visual processing is a critical skill for reading, comprehension, math and many other areas of learning. When you hear that term you may just think about your child’s eyesight, but the reality of this skill is much more complex. Visual processing is essentially what happens to the information your eyes send to your brain. If ...

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Organization Strategies to Empower & Equip Teens for the School Year

The teenage years are a crucial period of growth and development, setting the stage for a lifetime of achievements. As a parent or guardian, you play a pivotal role in helping your teenager navigate this transformative phase successfully. One of the most valuable skills you can instill in them is organization. By equipping them with ...

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Build Better Study Skills with Homework Help!

Some people seem like naturals when it comes to studying—but the truth is, study skills aren’t innate. Everyone has to work at improving them from time to time, and most people need help when the going gets tough. If you’re looking for homework help for your learner, it’s worth considering brain training from LearningRx! But ...

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