Brain Training Articles & News, Page 48

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Understanding Neurodiversity and How Brain Training Can Help

Our language evolves based on new understandings of the world—and as we start to better understand how minds work, the term “neurodiversity” has gained popularity. You may have heard this word from your child’s doctor, teachers, or other experts. But what does it mean to have a neurodivergent mind? Every mind works a little differently. ...

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Stressed By Learning: How Learning Struggles Hijack the Brain

Learning struggles are a primary source of stress for kids. While you may think that they’re just “not trying,” are “lazy” or are just behind because of the state of schools, there are real biological reasons that kids who struggle in school feel inept and unprepared for what their days require of them. Building your ...

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6 Ways to Practice Math Skills (Without Worksheets)

Worksheets are the last thing kids want to do during a break. You may be met with grumbles and eye rolls, but practicing math skills is still incredibly important even outside of school. Here are some ways to help students of all ages build math confidence and practice these skills without the tedium of math ...

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Summer Slide Rescue: 3 Things to Do Before School Starts

Do you have a gut feeling that your child is slipping further behind this summer? You may not be wrong! Estimates show that kids lose a significant amount of learning over the summer months, and it can take months for them to catch back up (if they do). The “summer slide” may set your child ...

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The Role of Weak Cognitive Skills as a Root Cause of Impulsive Behavior

Impulsive behavior is a complex phenomenon that affects individuals across various aspects of life, often leading to unfavorable consequences. While impulsive behavior can stem from various factors, one significant underlying cause can be traced back to weak cognitive skills. If you’re frustrated by your child’s lack of forethought, follow through, or ability to follow directions, ...

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Fun Logic Games to Build Reasoning Skills

Logic games are a great way to build strategic thinking and reasoning skills that are essential for thinking, learning, and problem-solving. Weak logic skills are a primary reason for learning struggles, particularly in areas like math and comprehension.  Here are some of our favorite logic games to recommend to families looking to build this skill ...

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Prepare for Fall Now with Brain Training and Tutoring

When students are prepared for the next school year, it can give them confidence and build their appetite for learning! This summer, why not help your child prepare for the fall by enlisting professionals? The right academic support, such as brain training or tutoring, can make all the difference for your student. That’s especially true ...

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