Brain Training Articles & News, Page 55

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Why Does My Child Forget Everything? Can I Help Improve Their Memory?

Many kids forget things—but some struggle more than others to remember important details. That can be especially challenging when it comes to school, homework, and learning. How can anyone improve memory? What strategies should you consider? Memory problems can come in all shapes and sizes. When kids are simply too excited or too anxious, it ...

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Autism Facts + How Brain Training Fits In

Millions of individuals are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) every year. While this diagnosis is extremely broad and each individual has their own unique sets of strengths and struggles, understanding autism a little more deeply is so important. Whether you are a parent facing an autism diagnosis or a community member seeking to understand ...

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How Autism Presents Differently in Boys vs. Girls

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior. It is estimated that one in every 44 children in the United States is diagnosed with ASD, and the condition is known to affect boys more often than girls. However, recent research has shown that autism presents differently in boys ...

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7 Learning Tools for Kids With Autism (That Adults Can Benefit From Too!)

Did you know that April is Autism Acceptance Month?  Autism Acceptance Month offers an opportunity to highlight autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the ways it impacts individuals with ASD, as well as their families and support systems. It’s also an opportunity to celebrate the unique perspectives those with autism bring to the world. After all, ...

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Brain Training & Autism

Individuals with autism experience the world in unique ways. The spectrum of experiences for individuals with ASD encompasses a wide variety of skills, needs, strengths, and weaknesses. While these unique perspectives are beneficial in some areas of life, individuals with autism often struggle in mainstream classrooms, relationships, and workplaces. One of the ways to address ...

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Dyslexia and Reading Help That Works

If you have a loved one struggling with reading, all areas of life are impacted. It’s not just about school—weak reading skills also impact confidence, self-esteem, performance in real-life situations, and more. Cognitive skills are not just important for school. They are important for life. Especially for kids with reading struggles, it can be hard to know where ...

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Dyslexia and Reading Help That Works

If you have a loved one struggling with reading, all areas of life are impacted. It’s not just about school—weak reading skills also impact confidence, self-esteem, performance in real-life situations, and more. Cognitive skills are not just important for school. They are important for life. Especially for kids with reading struggles, it can be hard to know where ...

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Dyslexia and Reading Help That Works

If you have a loved one struggling with reading, all areas of life are impacted. It’s not just about school—weak reading skills also impact confidence, self-esteem, performance in real-life situations, and more. Cognitive skills are not just important for school. They are important for life. Especially for kids with reading struggles, it can be hard to know where ...

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Time Management Hacks for Students

Time management—organizing and planning how to use your time on a task or activity—is an issue for many of us, from childhood to the workplace. The effects of poor time management can manifest in a variety of symptoms, regardless of age, including: • Decreased quality of work • Poor punctuality • Constant rushing • Frequent ...

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7 Exercises for Better Mental Strength

Mental strength is something that everyone can benefit from. It helps you to face challenges with resilience, cope with stress and anxiety, and improve overall well-being. Just like physical fitness, mental strength requires regular exercise and practice. Here are seven tried-and-true exercises that you can do to build better mental strength: Visualize the Best Outcome ...

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