Brain Training Articles & News, Page 102

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

It’s National Monopoly Day!

Today is National Play Monopoly Day and LearningRx (, the largest one-on-one brain training company in the world, wants you to know about the brain-boosting benefits of the game. Of course, the game is fun and makes for a great night of family bonding, but it also boosts important cognitive skills, including strategy, planning, attention, math ...

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LearningRx Success Story: Gavin finds learning so much easier!

When Gavin enrolled at his local LearningRx personal brain training center in Wisconsin, he was really struggling with homeschooling. Although his family had tried a number of things, Gavin still wan’t able to read at the same level as his peers. It was impacting not only his school work, but also his social interactions and ...

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What is Executive Function?

At LearningRx, we work with many students who have high intelligence – strong logic and reasoning and other skills – but who struggle to stay on top of their work, organize their thoughts or materials, pay attention and stay motivated. It’s common for parents to hear feedback like, ‘Your child is really smart, but….”. Often ...

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Parent Teacher Conferences leave you frustrated? What you’ve heard and what you can do

Most parent and teacher conferences have wrapped up and the experience often leaves both educators and parents frustrated. Have you been part of a conversation where a version of the following phrase has come up: “I know they are smart, but…” Their work doesn’t show it It’s just not coming out They are just making ...

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Getting to the Bottom of Executive Function

To read the full article, click HERE.

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Addressing Executive Function Issues

To read the full article, click HERE.

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Traveling With Young Kids for Thanksgiving

Whether you’re driving six hours to Grandma’s house or flying to another state for Thanksgiving, traveling with young kids can be incredibly stressful. Here are 10 tips to help you prepare for what’s in your control, when traffic, flight delays, and bad weather can stretch your sanity to its limits. 1. Dress you child (and ...

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5 Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids

Few things get you in the mood for Thanksgiving than doing crafts with your kids! Beyond the handprint turkeys, we’ve got a list of some affordable, simple and outright adorable crafts that you can probably do with things you already have it home. So gather those popsicle sticks and break out the construction paper because ...

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The 2021 Smart Moms Toybox

Every year LearningRx puts together a shopping list parents can use for brain-boosting gifts and games during the holiday season. LearningRx has vetted these games as items that align with LearningRx’s brain training values and ideals and focus on the underlying core cognitive skills that help us learn and perform daily. Skills like; attention, memory, auditory ...

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November 15-19 is American Education Week

This year, American Education Week is November 15-19 and each day has its own theme: Monday, November 15: Kickoff Day Tuesday, November 16: Family Day Wednesday, November 17: Education Support Professionals Day Thursday, November 18: Educator for a Day Friday, November 19: Substitute Educators Day How can you get involved in supporting and advocating for ...

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