Brain Training Articles & News, Page 107

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Encouraging Quotes for Students

Sometimes students need a little inspiration! We’ve gathered some of our favorite motivational (and comforting!) quotes to share with children, teens, and adults who might be struggling this year. Feel free to print out your favorites to hang on the fridge or above your student’s desk, or just to rewrite them on a notebook cover ...

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LearningRx CEO, Kim Hanson Included in Franchise Dictionary Magazine’s 50 Women of Wonder 2021 Issue

Each year Franchise Dictionary includes its readers in nominating women franchisors for the Women of Wonder issue. Franchise Dictionary experienced more nominations than ever before, and LearningRx’s Kim Hanson made it in the top 50 female franchisors. Kim Hanson leads an executive team of more than 80% women and purposefully networks and partners with other ...

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Boosting Confidence in Struggling Students

October 20 is National Youth Confidence Day and LearningRx, the largest personal brain training company in the world, has some tips to help you boost your child or teen’s confidence if they’re struggling in school. 1. Focus on effort and other types of success. Not every success looks like an A on a test or ...

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How to Discover the Learner Beneath the Labels

Students with a learning struggle are often given labels that affect their confidence and can leave parents feeling guilty or ashamed that they haven’t done enough to address the problem. Words and phrases like “dyslexic” and “ADHD” can pigeonhole kids and teens (and adults!) into categories that make them feel broken or less than. But ...

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7 Ways You Can Help Your Child Grow Their Reading Comprehension Skills

Reading comprehension skills help us make sense of what we read. After all, what’s the purpose of reading if it’s nothing more than words on a page? Yet many children struggle in this area.If you hear your child frequently complain about reading and express that it’s boring, they may be struggling to comprehend what they’re reading. ...

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How Brain Training Combats Learning Styles

In the late 1980s, Dr. Neil Fleming identified the VARK model of learning styles. Although other educators and research have identified as many as 70 learning styles, the four that VARK focused on were as follows: Visual: You learn well when aided by images, pictures, and spatial organization of elements Auditory: You learn well when aided by ...

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Could My Child Have a Learning Disability? 15 Signs to Watch For

Learning disabilities (also called learning disorders) are common — it’s estimated that 8-10% of children under 18 in the U.S. may have some kind of learning disability. Children with learning disorders can have difficulty reading, writing, or doing simple math, and may struggle with auditory or visual processing. Many children struggle in school long before ...

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What Is the Difference Between ADD and ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition that results in a variety of symptoms involving attention, impulse control, and hyperactivity. The group of symptoms and behaviors caused by ADHD have been recognized as far back as 1902, though the name for the disorder has changed over time. In their most recent national survey ...

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LearningRx – What Do We Actually Do??

We love brain training and the difference we can make in child or adult’s life. But what do we actually do at LearningRx? How are we different than other learning centers? The biggest difference is that LearningRx is not a tutoring center. There are many learning centers that focus on tutoring, and this is also ...

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Brain-boosting pumpkin recipes

Few things represent fall like the pumpkin but its benefits go far behind seasonal decor! Consuming pumpkin and its seeds have several health benefits, including: • Pumpkin and pumpkin seeds are rich in fiber, which promotes a healthy gut. Healthy guts have been linked to better brain health. • Pumpkin seeds help burn fat. • ...

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