Brain Training Articles & News, Page 109

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

ESL Teacher’s Success With LearningRx Brain Training

When ESL teacher Elizabeth Benedict enrolled in LearningRx 1-on-1 brain training at the Tysons, Virginia center, she had trouble with reading, writing, speaking, and listening. She worried that her job was at risk as she struggled in both personal and professional relationships.  She was exhausted each night, had no confidence, and was regularly choosing not ...

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Solid Time Management Skills for Middle School Students

Between school, extracurricular activities, spending time with family and friends, and getting enough sleep, today’s students are busy (and so are their parents!). Learning to manage the limited study time they have will help your children use their time more efficiently and learn more effectively. Good time management skills also help keep stress at bay: ...

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The Science Behind 1-on-1 Brain Training

LearningRx and its programs encompass a long development process of trial and error dating back to 1968. Even significant successes weren’t enough for LearningRx founder Dr. Ken Gibson. His formula for developing the best cognitive skills training program was always the same: Trials + Results=More Research + More Development. It took 35 years of repeating ...

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Today is National Walk to School Day!

Organized by the Partnership for a Walkable America, National Walk to School day in the United States began in 1997 to build awareness for the need for walkable communities. Each year, on the first Wednesday of October, we celebrate this day to raise awareness and support for the health, community, and environmental benefits of regularly ...

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Understanding the 5 Pillars of Reading Success

Every successful reading program is built around the instruction of five key concepts, or pillars. Each pillar is integral to the reading process and a deficiency in any of the first four pillars can hinder reading comprehension. Pillar #1: Phonemic Awareness This is the first pillar in the reading process because it addresses the smallest ...

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5 Healthy Habits to Pass on to Your Kids

Yesterday, October 4, was National Child Health Day and LearningRx is sharing 5 healthy habits to pass on to your kids. As a general rule, parenting is often most effective when parents model physically healthy habits for their kids rather than a "Do as I say, not as I do" approach. Here are some examples of ...

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How We Teach Reading

At LearningRX, we use our revolutionary “sound-to-code” accelerated reading program, ReadRx, modeled after the process by which spoken language is first learned. Clients who read below grade level have averaged over 3.6 years improvement in reading skills – in less than 6 months. It teaches reading and spelling concurrently through techniques that train clients to ...

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Tips for Raising Successful Kids

“Successful” is a subjective term. The word may conjure different ideas for adulthood—wealth, power, or athletic prowess, for example. But in childhood, success is often measured in both tangible (e.g, grades, sports achievements, musical ability) and intangible ways (happiness, friendships, confidence). According to Bill Murphy Jr., author of “How to Raise Successful Kids,” there are five ...

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How to Identify if Your Child is Struggling with Reading

Learning to read is a complex process that starts in the early years of childhood. In the first couple years of life, kids who are read to by parents and caregivers begin to memorize passages in some of their favorite books and can answer questions about what they see on the pages. By preschool, kids ...

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Learning-related Acronyms and Phrases for Parents of School-aged Kids

ACT: American College Testing What it is: A national college admissions exam ADD/ADHD: Attention Deficit/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder What it is: A learning struggle associated with weak attention skills – and sometimes accompanied by hyperactivity AP: Advanced Placement What it is: College-level curriculum offered in high school ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorders What it is: Complex ...

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