Brain Training Articles & News, Page 165

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Steps to Manage ADHD During the Covid-19 Pandemic

For some children and teens with ADHD, it’s difficult to maintain attention and/or control physical energy and movements. The stress of the Covid-19 pandemic and its restriction may pose even greater challenges to people with ADHD, especially considering that social isolation, sleep changes and disruptions in regular routines may exacerbate things. But there are some ...

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Brain Food: Superfood Salad

If you haven’t given it a try already, allow us to be the first to introduce you to quinoa (pronounced keen-wah). This delightful little superfood is a great substitute for rice and other grains, and is good for the brain too: it’s chalk full of antioxidants to help slow the aging process and even fight ...

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Sugar High=Brain Low

According to the Special Holidays Calendar for June 2020…June is National Candy Month, who knew!…and look at the days dedicated to sugary treats… 2nd National Rocky Road Day 4th National Applesauce Cake Day 5th National Doughnut Day       7th National Chocolate Ice Cream Day            9th National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie day 12th National Peanut Butter Cookie Day ...

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ADD vs. ADHD: What’s the Difference?

You’ve probably heard the terms ADD and ADHD used interchangeably, but you may not be clear on the difference. Here is a general overview of what they mean and where they fit into the bigger picture. The acronym "ADHD"—which stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder—is actually a broad but official term for the neurological condition ...

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Brain Food: Superfood Cookies

It’s cookie season, so we’ve got three Superfood Cookie recipes that have brainy benefits! Indulge your sweet tooth AND take care of your brain with these superfood cookies. Avocado Almond Cookies Recipe courtesy of I’ll Make it Myself Up first, it’s Avocado Almond Cookies from I’ll Make it Myself! According to the Amen Clinic, Raw Almonds are ...

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7 Secrets to Engaged Online Learning for Students with ADHD; Tip #7

The final tip in ADDitude Magazine’s piece on “7 Secrets to Engaged Online Learning for Students with ADHD” is “Help them learn better keyboarding skills now.” The article suggests sites like and to help students improve their typing skills. The sites include short video tutorials with easy-to-follow instructions.  Typing can serve as a ...

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Brain Food: Sunday Minestrone

Before the winter weather goes away for good, do your family a favor and make this delicious minestrone soup that not only tastes good, but does good, too. Filled with a rainbow of veggies, including carrots, tomatoes, and superfoods kale and swiss chard, this soup will warm your belly and keep you healthy! Swiss chard ...

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7 Secrets to Engaged Online Learning for Students with ADHD; Tip #6

Tip #6 in ADDitude’s piece on “7 Secrets to Engaged Online Learning for Students with ADHD” is about drawing.  For some students, using crayons, markers or colored pencils to brainstorm ideas before approaching a project (e.g., an essay, longer paper or art project) can help alleviate some of the pressure they feel when starting an ...

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Graduate Success Story – Meet Mohamed Ali

CONGRATS MOHAMEDWe are so Proud of You! Mohamed came to LearningRx with struggles across the board. He was unable to focus, to follow instructions or complete school work to the point he was taken out of mainstream classes. He had terrible nightmares and stop communicating as he detached from the world. Through his brain training ...

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Brain Food: Summer Popsicles

All this talk of brain freeze has us craving popsicles! Check out these recipes to satisfy your need for a sweet frozen treat. And as a bonus, they’re all healthy. So healthy, in fact, that you might even be able to sneak in a few green things! Vegan Black Bean Fudge Pops Unlike the store ...

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