Brain Training Articles & News, Page 242

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

LearningRx Reviews “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens”

What it is: In his book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens,” Sean Covey provides teens (and their parents J) with a step-by-step guide on how to improve their self-image, make good decisions, set and achieve goals, talk to their parents, and much more. The audio version, available at, includes commentary from teens ...

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LearningRx grad Ben Utecht featured in the New York Times | Brain Training Center

Former NFL player Ben Utecht, who enrolled in LearningRx brain trainingafter suffering multiple concussions and fearing he’d start to losememories, was featured in this New York Times article:

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LearningRx on ABC Channel 7 | Cognitive Training Programs

Maureen Loftus of LearningRx Reston appeared on WJLA to discuss brain-building toys:

Read more covers launch of Learningrx Reviews site | Brain Training Center picked up the LearningRx piece about the launch of itsnew website,

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LearningRx in Forest Lake Times | Cognitive Skills Training

Here’s a piece about Ben Utecht’s struggles to retain his memories: Refusing to lose the memories

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Scientists studied Sting's brain-and here's what they found | LearningRx Blog

Earlier this year, 16-time Grammy Award-winner Sting was in Montreal for a concert. While he was there, he agreed to have his brain scanned by researchers who wanted to understand how he relates and classifies music. To the average listener, certain songs might seem like they have nothing in common. But when Sting listened to ...

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LearningRx Cedar Rapids on Fox 28 TV | Cognitive Training Programs

Here’s Courtney Axline of LearningRx Cedar Rapids appearing on Fox28 TV to discuss holiday gifts:

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LearningRx Launches | Brain Training Center

Here’s a piece that was picked up by the Digital Journal regardingthe launch of LearningRx’s new website, #

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New Study Says Book Readers Live Longer

A study at Yale University School of Public Health found that Americanadults 50 and over increased their survival by up to 23% just by reading books! The researchers analyzed data from 3,635 men and woman over 50 initiallyand then 12 years later. They found that adults who read books for upto 3.5 hours each week ...

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Ben Utecht on “Refusing to lose the memories” | Cognitive Training Programs

This piece about former NFL player Ben Utecht ran in the Caledonia Argus: Refusing to lose the memories

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