Brain Training Articles & News, Page 256

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Why “Free Play” Is Great For Your Kid’s Brain

Lots of activities are good for your kid’s brain: music lessons, board games, learning a second language, puzzles, and personal brain training. But unstructured play has taken a back seat in our ever-busy, high-tech world. Remember hide-and-seek, dress-up, restaurant, bike rides, roller skating, building snowmen and making up dance routines? That’s “unstructured.” (And fun!) And ...

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Introverts and Extroverts Have Different Brains

Most people think of themselves as either an extrovert or an introvert,and they often think it has to do with how outgoing or shy they are. And yet introversion and extroversion are actually based on where we getour energy. An easy way to tell if you’re an introvert or an extrovertis to answer this question: ...

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10 Brain-Boosting Travel Games for Under $10

Tired of hearing, “Are we there yet?” Prepare for the inevitable boredom that comes with a long car ride by stocking up on these brain-boosting travel games. Best of all, they’re all under $10! Travel Scavenger Hunt Card Game ($6.55 on This pack of 54 scavenger hunt cards has kids looking for things like ...

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Autism Spectrum Disorder: Training Weak Cognitive Skills

In recent years, the medical community has broadened its reference of autism to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Although the new term covers a wide range of deficits and functions, it provides no more insight into an individual’s cognitive abilities. One test that can help identify weak brain skills associated with learning struggles is a cognitive ...

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Autism Spectrum Disorder: Targeting Weak Brain Skills

Ask the average American what autism spectrum disorder (ASD) looks like and they’ll probably describe a smart kid who’s a math genius but has few communication skills. While that may be the case for some, there’s a reason they now refer to autism as a “spectrum.” In reality, the autism spectrum covers a wide range ...

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The 8 Biggest Brain Breakthroughs of 2018

With advances in technology and medicine, our understanding of the brain—and how to study it, improve it, and even fix it—is expanding. Here are 8 of the biggest brain-related breakthroughs we witnessed in 2018. New Alzheimer’s Drug May Slow Decline A company called Eisai and its U.S. partner Biogen presented some impressive results to the ...

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New Year, New Brain

7 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power in 2019 Your sister wants to lose weight. Your boss wants to quit smoking. Your cousin wants to get out of debt and repair his bad credit. Sound familiar? It should. They’re the same unmet goals from last year. And the year before. What would happen if you ...

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ADHD: The High Cost of Attention Problems

If you’ve ever seen a child struggle to sit still and pay attention (or strive to get attention!), you’ve got a general idea of the kinds of behavior associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). But beyond the squirminess and lack of focus, there may be a deeper issue: weak cognitive skills. While weak cognitive ...

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ADHD Learning Struggles Are Rooted in Clusters of Weak Cognitive Skills

October is National ADHD Month A new report is sharing some interesting findings that may help those suffering from learning struggles. Specifically, that training one specific skill—such as attention—isn’t enough because ADHD learning struggles may be rooted in clusters of weak cognitive skills. “About 30% of our clients were diagnosed with ADHD before coming to ...

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Your ADHD Offensive Line: Five People to Recruit in Your Child’s Fight Against Attention Deficits

The bad news is that your child’s teachers suspect he has ADHD. The good news is that you’re not alone in tackling it! We’ve assembled a starting line-up of specialists on the ADHD front. Enlist their help to address the challenges of ADHD for your child and your family: Cognitive-behavioral therapist What they do: Help ...

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