Brain Training Articles & News, Page 257

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

True Success: Thomas, 9 years old

Our son, Thomas, seemed to struggle quite a bit with following directions,particularly multiple-step directions. He also seemed to struggle in mathand reading comprehension. We thought of getting a tutor, but we wereconcerned that the problem would not be solved with just tutoring. We are very happy we stumbled across LearningRx. Since beginning the program,Thomas has ...

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True Success: Melissa, 12 Years Old

When Melissa first came to LearningRx, her reading was extremely poor andher ability to sound out words was almost unheard of! After years of workingwith her, helping her with homework, and helping her to complete assignments,I knew something had to be done. Our family time became zero due to lengthy nights of homework and studyingfor ...

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True Success: McKenzie, 11 years old

McKenzie was put on an anti-depressant and on medication to help her focus. We soon found that medication wasn’t the answer. For second grade we asked that she be put in a classroom with a special education teacher to help her if she needed extra help. The classroom was disruptive and disorganized; it seemed that ...

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True Success: Logan, 14 years old

Our son, Logan, was diagnosed with ADHD early in his second grade year. He struggled in school and his confidence took a hit. We kept him on track as best we could, but not without frustration. In February of his eighth grade year we were seeing a new level of frustration out of Logan. He ...

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True Story of Success: Seth, 4th Grade

“He would go into a session grouchy and not wanting to be there,and come out on top of the world! His disposition is 100 percent better.” I first found out my son, Seth, had learning difficulty in 1st grade. Twoweeks into school, the parent/teacher conferences started. And then, totop it off, he was diagnosed with ...

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True Story of Success: Patrick, 12

“He had no problem playing video games or skateboarding for hours, but focusing on assignments was challenging.” It was brought to our attention that Patrick might have learning difficulties when he took private school tests at the ripe old age of 6. The school was concerned he had severe learning problems. The first anyone said ...

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True Story of Success: Nolan, 7 Years Old

Nolan’s 1st grade teacher informed us at the end of the 2013-14 schoolyear that she’d recommend we talk to our son’s pediatricianabout his lack of focus and inability to sit still. It had become sucha problem that he wasn’t able to finish simple tasks like coloringartwork; he was disorganized and wasn’t turning in his homework.Nolan ...

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True Story of Success: Maggie, 6 Years Old

We started LearningRx nearly one year ago with our six-year-old daughter.She was struggling in Kindergarten. She could not remember a letter orits sound just moments after working on it. She was quiet and withdrawn.She hated school and said she was “stupid” and couldn’tdo what other children could do. She worked with a resource teacher atschool ...

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True Story of Success: Logan, 15 Years Old

Our LearningRx experience far surpassed any expectations we had for our son, Logan. Before completing the program, he was considered a well-behaved young man that was lazy, unmotivated, and unfocused by his teachers. Although he exhibited signs of high intelligence, our son received as many Ds and Fs as he did As and Bs. Logan ...

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True Story of Success: Liam, 10 Years Old

I am like many parents who have had a child who struggled in school. I saw his anguish and pain every time Monday came around. Then there were the never-ending reports that he is behind, he needs after-school tutoring, summer school, and so on. I thought, “If I can only help him more with homework, ...

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