Brain Training Articles & News, Page 259

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

True Story of Success: Alexandra, 7 Years Old

We went to LearningRx because my daughter was having problems completing work and focusing, demonstrating many ADD type symptoms. Not only did the program help improve her performance in the classroom, it also improved our home life as her behavior and follow through on tasks got better as well. Most things came very easily to ...

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True Story of Success: Alex, 11 Years Old

I would like to share my experience with LearningRx, the program that madea big difference in our family, since we enrolled our eleven year oldson, Alex. The program length was six months, and we decided to enrollAlex in order to improve both his short-term and long-term memory, aswell as comprehension and capacity to make faster ...

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Chocolate Improves Memory…In Snails!

In the category of “weird news of the day,” it turns out thatscientists have discovered a way to study the impact of dark chocolateon memory skills. But not the memory skills of humans, many of whom wouldcrawl on all fours to be chosen to eat chocolate for the advancement ofscience. No,the participants selected for this ...

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True Story: Mom and Son – Kara and Alexander

My son and I signed up for LearningRx brain training six months ago with the goal of helping him in school and helping me with my reading speed and comprehension. For three years I had tried to find something to help my son. And, since I grew up with undiagnosed learning disabilities, there was no ...

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True Story: Michael, 12 Years Old

We knew that Michael processed information differently from most childrenpractically from birth. A neuropsychological test in third grade showedwhat we already knew and proved to his teachers that he was not ADD asmany often suggested to us. Armed with the results of six hours of testing,I went in search of programs, methods, and even counseling ...

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True Stories of Success: Mikey and Maddox, 7 Years Old

Our LearningRx story actually began about seven years ago, before we even knew it existed. I believe that things happen for a reason, and the people at LearningRx were a part of the plan in our lives. There are people in this world we are destined to meet and sometimes it means facing struggles in ...

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True Stories of Success: Max, 11, & Thomas, 8

Why did I decide to have two of my sons to go through this program? Well,honestly, I didn’t know what else to do. I was desperate to getour 7 year old, Thomas, through his reading crisis. After 4 years of workingon him with supplemental phonics classes at childcare, Hooked on Phonicsat home (a wonderful program ...

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Hello? Can You Hear Me?

People who own smartphones often end up using their thumbs-a lot!-swipingthrough various touchscreens on an ongoing basis throughout the day. All that thumb action can create physical changes in the brain, researcherssay, leaving certain regions more active or even enlarged. Scientists suspected this might be the case, since something similar happensto violinists. Regions of the ...

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True Stories of Success: John, 14

Before I went to LearningRx, I had trouble at almost everything school-related.Remembering what homework I had to do and turning assignments in werebig struggles for me. Procrastination was also a big roadblock, sinceI would put assignments off till later and end up never doing them. OnceI got to LearningRx everything at school changed for the ...

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True Stories of Success: Hayden, 10

My son, Hayden, attends a private school that has an extremely demanding curriculum, especially in spelling and math, from first grade on. Although I knew Hayden was very intelligent, I also knew from about age five or six that there was something different about his forming of letters, short-term memory, etc… I really became aware ...

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