Brain Training Articles & News, Page 26

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

My Child Has a Diagnosis, Now What?

Receiving a diagnosis can be a positive step in helping a child succeed and improve their overall performance. There is a myriad of diagnosis — ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Dysgraphia, Executive Function Disorder, Auditory Processing Disorder, TBI, to name a few. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a learning disability, what are ...

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Real-Life Math Practice Ideas for Summer

Keeping your kids’ math skills sharp through the summer may not sound too fun, but it doesn’t have to be as complicated or boring as you might think! Students lose significant momentum in areas like math and reading when they’re not “exercising” these skills during the break, and summer is a great opportunity to take ...

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Why is Writing Such an Important Skill for Kids to Practice?

We think of reading and math as key academic skills to sharpen through the summer months, but writing is just as important! Writing requires your brain to incorporate every single cognitive skill—which is one reason why it’s such a challenge for many students. Cognitive Skills & Writing As we said above, writing uses every cognitive ...

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Is LearningRx a Learning Center?

Learning can be one of the great joys of life. Whether you’re looking to improve your own skills or seeking a program for your child, you may be wondering—is LearningRx a learning center? And if so, what does it offer?  When it comes to one-on-one learning, tutoring isn’t the only option. At LearningRx, we offer ...

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A Brain-Based Perspective on Where Virginia Students are Falling Behind Based on the Nation’s Report Card

We all hear stories about how kids are falling behind and struggling in school, and how schools are overwhelmed with trying to support them. But how are things really going? The Nation’s Report Card uses the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) to track student performance nationally and by state, looking for trends and tracking ...

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Ways to Keep Math Skills Sharp Over the Summer Without Worksheets

Even if you’ve never heard of the “Summer Slide” or summer “Brain Drain,” you can probably infer that the term refers to learning losses that students experience over the long break from school. But what you may not know is that, on average, students lose 2.6 months of math skills during summer. Despite teachers’ best ...

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Tips to Support ADHD Kids Over the Summer

As the school year comes to a close, parents of children with ADHD may find themselves facing a new set of challenges. Without the structure of school, managing ADHD symptoms can become more difficult during the summer break. However, with the right strategies in place, parents can help their ADHD children thrive during these months ...

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Troubleshooting Struggles with Reading During the Summer

Reading during the summer is a great chance to really get a sense of how your child is progressing (and potentially troubleshoot some struggles before next school year). Whether you’re doing a formal summer reading program (like this one) or just watching your child as they read around the house, here are some warning signs ...

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10 Years Later — Changing Rosa’s Life!

Rosa came to LearningRx roughly 10 years ago between her 3rd and 4th grade years.   Prior to LearningRx, her parents had tried many different strategies and interventions, but they were not seeing improvement.  She could not read and math was incredibly difficult.   Rosa could not retain information which impacted her ability to recognize words in reading.  Her auditory processing weakness ...

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10 Years Later — Changing Rosa’s Life!

Rosa came to LearningRx roughly 10 years ago between her 3rd and 4th grade years.   Prior to LearningRx, her parents had tried many different strategies and interventions, but they were not seeing improvement.  She could not read and math was incredibly difficult.   Rosa could not retain information which impacted her ability to recognize words in reading.  Her auditory processing weakness ...

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