Brain Training Articles & News, Page 263

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Scary Snacks for Autumn Fun

Since we like to talk about the brain, think about the brain, study the brain, and improve the brain, we thought Halloween was the perfect time to MAKE some brains. Take some traditional treats and turn them into a creepy, delicious dish everyone will love. And don’t worry, you don’t need to be a zombie ...

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Can Attention be Trained? Seniors (and Babies) Prove It Can

When TV newscaster Diane Sawyer was asked the secret of her success, shesaid, “I think the one lesson I’ve learned is there is nosubstitute for paying attention.” If you struggle with ADHD, however, that’s a lot easier said than done. About 6 million children and teens have been diagnosed with ADHD, with an estimated four ...

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Smart Mom’s Toy Box: June 2014

This month, the Smart Mom’s Toy Box is taking a break from games to fill your toy box. Instead, we want to give you a few easy, low-cost ideas on how to help avoid summer learning loss! Check out the Toy Box for three awesome alternatives to video games that are sure to entertain kids ...

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National Autism Awareness Month

April is National Autism Awareness Month and chances are, you know of someonediagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Did you knowASD is the fastest growing development disability, rising 10-17% every year? About every 1 in 68 children are on the autismspectrum (about 1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls). Unfortunately, there is no ...

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The Key To Success

Research shows that kids with lots of grit (and less mental ability) are more successful than kids with lots of mental ability (but less grit). In this video, researcher and psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth extols the virtues of grit, saying that "grittier" kids-those who try harder and don’t give up over the long haul-do better ...

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Smarter | LearningRx Blog

Dan Hurley is the award-winning science journalist who, last year, wrote The New York Times article "The Brain Trainers" in which LearningRx was featured. His latest book, Smarter, has just been released. In the book, Hurley takes a look at the science and the methods associated with what he calls the "new field of intelligence ...

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From LearningRx Student to LearningRx Trainer!

At LearningRx, we are so lucky that some of our students become brain trainers! Check out this video featuring former student-turned-trainer, Kendra. After years of struggling to pay attention, forgetting her homework, and feeling anxious about tests, Kendra enrolled in LearningRx. Just one year later, Kendra is training students and helping them to improve attention, ...

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Beyond the Breakfast Table

When you read a newspaper article at the breakfast table then think, “Whatdid I just read?” it’s annoying. But what if the same was trueat work when you read an important document before a big meeting? Or whenyour boss asked for your opinion of written text on the spot? Surely youdon’t want to have to ...

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We read for meaning. But for some kids (and even adults), reading comprehension is a struggle. For some, decoding the words on the page takes so much energy that fully comprehending the meaning of the words takes a back seat. For others, the meaning is grasped but not retained. In fact, research by the National ...

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A Doorway to the Heart

Love at first sight? Thousands say it has happened to them, while skeptics just roll their eyes. But what if the adage “there’s more to it than meets the eye” is true about the connection between visual contact and romance? Research studies show that locking eyes nourishes relational intimacy and is a dominant theme in ...

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