Brain Training Articles & News, Page 32

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Key Cognitive Skills Needed for Math Success

Mathematics is a foundational discipline that influences many aspects of our daily lives, from simple transactions to complex engineering. Yet, for many, it remains a challenge. One reason is that math is not just about computation; it requires a host of cognitive skills working together to become natural. In this blog, we’ll explore the key ...

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A Brain-Based Perspective on Managing Big Emotions & Outbursts

Do you have one of those kids who flies off the handle at the smallest disappointments or inconveniences? Big emotions can run the show in a lot of our households, and as parents, these are some of the most difficult situations to handle.  Why Is It Hard to Keep Your Cool? The brain has an ...

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Family Game Night Picks to Boost Cognitive Skills

Looking for ways to connect as a family without more screen time (and also maybe keep everyone’s brains active and growing, too)? One simple and affordable solution: Family Game Night.  In addition to creating an opportunity for fun and family bonding, games require us to use a variety of cognitive skills, the core skills our ...

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Is It an Attention Problem or Weak Working Memory?

There are many situations when what you perceive as an attention problem is actually something else entirely. Kids who seem distracted, unable to focus, or who struggle with tasks like test-taking and reading often get labeled as “ADHD” or “disengaged” or “spacey” (among other things). But it’s critical to dig deeper and figure out what’s ...

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Reasons Why Kids Struggle With Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is a complex task, yet it’s essential for kids to develop this skill to make progress and grow in school. Reading is not enjoyable if you’re not comprehending the words in front of you. Many students who are resistant to reading really struggle in this area, which just exasperates the issue, plummeting their ...

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Two Approaches to Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities

Supporting students with learning disabilities is an essential aspect of fostering an inclusive educational environment. While there are various strategies and approaches to assist these students, two distinct methods stand out: accommodations and addressing root causes.  Accommodations for Learning Disabilities: Accommodations refer to modifications made to the learning environment or curriculum to make information accessible ...

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Why Do Some Kids Hate Math?

Math is a subject that holds the key to problem-solving and critical thinking, but it often becomes the bane of many students’ academic journeys. The question that plagues educators, parents, and students alike is: Why do kids hate math? Here are three key factors that contribute to this aversion and what you can do to ...

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Can Brain Training Help with ADHD?

ADHD comes with a lot of highs and lows. Many people with this cognitive difference find it to be a source of energy, creativity, and spontaneity. But it can also lead to plenty of learning challenges. For kids, teens, and adults, it’s important to find the right support—which may include medication, therapy, and one-on-one help, ...

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Benefits of Cognitive Skills Testing

Cognitive skills are fundamental mental processes that enable us to think, learn, and retain information. Things like attention, memory, problem-solving, and processing speed all determine how efficiently learning can happen (or not). A cognitive skills assessment serves as a valuable tool for measuring these abilities, shedding light on strengths and weaknesses in various areas. Here ...

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Questions to Ask & Warning Signs to Watch for in Parent-Teacher Conferences

Is your child doing ok in school? It’s a big question that simple conversations with teachers, report cards, or progress reports may or may not answer fully. There are many aspects to learning beyond just grades or classroom performance, and it can be hard to dig deep in the little bit of time you have ...

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