Brain Training Articles & News, Page 33

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Gearing Up for Standardized Testing, including the Milestones and the Iowa

Standardized testing can be stressful for all involved: students, teachers, school administrators and even parents who are left to deal with the consequences of their children’s anxiety. To better help you understand these tests, we’ve put together some information on the Georgia Milestones Assessment and the Iowa Assessments Exam, both of which measure students’ knowledge ...

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Find Tutoring in Monument for Math Help

Math can be a challenge for lots of kids and it can be a tough subject for teens and adults, too! For learners of all ages in Monument, tutoring isn’t the only way to get math help. There’s also one-on-one brain training through LearningRx Colorado Springs. Our math help programs are a great opportunity to ...

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The Cognitive Effects of Concussions

Concussions are often associated with athletes and sports-related injuries, but they can happen to anyone. Whether it’s a car accident, a fall, or a blow to the head, concussions can have a profound impact on cognitive function.  The Complexity of Concussions: A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury caused by a bump, blow, or ...

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Math Help for Kids Struggling with General Math, Geometry, or Algebra

Aptitude for math can often seem like an innate skill—some kids have it and some simply don’t. In reality, building math skills and abilities requires active work over the years. Whether your child is a math whiz or struggles with numbers, any student can benefit from regular, sustained math help!   Learning math is a progressive ...

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Tips for Handling a Bad Report Card

Receiving a bad report card can be a challenging experience for both students and their parents. It can evoke feelings of disappointment, frustration, and concern about the future. However, it’s important to remember that a bad report card is not the end of the road but an opportunity for growth and improvement. Here are some ...

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Reasons Why Kids Hate Math

Have you ever had one of your kids come to you and say “I hate math!” For many students, it seems pointlessly complicated, hard to understand, or maybe just plain boring. But there are some underlying reasons why some students have an aversion to math (and ways to make it more fun & achievable!) So ...

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8 Tips for Managing Homework

Even the smartest students can feel overwhelmed at the thought of sitting down to complete nightly projects, assignments, or test prep. However, managing homework doesn’t have to be the source of frustration, tears, and friction that many families experience! To help ensure you’re doing everything within your control to manage homework and lessen the pain ...

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What Are Cognitive Skills?

The brain is truly amazing in its ability to learn, grow, and change. What are the processes by which this happens? It all goes through cognitive skills. These are the foundational elements of focusing, taking in information, thinking, processing, and remembering. Cognitive skills dictate how your brain processes the world around you, and how you ...

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The Transformative Power of Reading!

Reading impacts every area of life, including academic subjects, career avenues, and beyond. However, in a world that is increasingly dominated by screens and digital distractions, the timeless practice of reading is unfortunately taking a backseat – yet it remains a beacon of intellectual and emotional enrichment!  Beyond the simple act of deciphering words on ...

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Reading Programs that Target Comprehension

Reading is more than one skill—it’s a complex, multi-part set of skills that work together to produce meaning. When you’re searching for reading help, it may be useful to know how different reading programs target different aspects of the reading process. At LearningRx, we support kids, teens, and adults, including those with dyslexia and reading ...

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