Brain Training Articles & News, Page 44

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Reading Struggles? Dyslexia?

Reading Struggles? Kids can have reading struggles for various reasons, and these difficulties can stem from a combination of factors. Some common reasons for reading difficulties in children include: Brain training, often referred to as cognitive training or brain exercises, can help children with reading struggles by targeting some of the underlying cognitive skills that ...

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Reading Struggles? Dyslexia?

Reading Struggles? Kids can have reading struggles for various reasons, and these difficulties can stem from a combination of factors. Some common reasons for reading difficulties in children include: Brain training, often referred to as cognitive training or brain exercises, can help children with reading struggles by targeting some of the underlying cognitive skills that ...

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Struggling Readers? Dyslexia?

Reading Struggles? Kids can have reading struggles for various reasons, and these difficulties can stem from a combination of factors. Some common reasons for reading difficulties in children include: Brain training, often referred to as cognitive training or brain exercises, can help children with reading struggles by targeting some of the underlying cognitive skills that ...

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5 Things to Look for in a Learning Intervention

Every child is unique, and so are their learning needs. When a child faces challenges in their academic journey, it’s essential to find the right learning intervention program to help them succeed. With numerous options available, it can be overwhelming for parents and educators to make the best choice. Here are five critical factors to ...

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Understanding Learning Styles and Cognitive Skills

As parents, understanding the unique learning styles of your children can play a crucial role in supporting their educational journey. Dr. Neil Fleming’s VARK model of learning styles provides a helpful framework to give a name to these preferences: While these models offer valuable insights, it’s important to acknowledge that saying your child falls into ...

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Parent-Teacher Conferences: Questions to Ask to Identify the Root Cause of Your Child’s Struggles

Do you ever go into parent-teacher conferences and struggle to even know what questions to ask? Of course there are some obvious ones, but especially if your child is in the “average” group, it can be hard to get enough info from their teacher to really help you keep a pulse on how their learning ...

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10 Better After School Questions to Foster Connection and Boost Independence

Ask any parent who has picked up their 13-year-old from school about the fastest way to dead-end a conversation and you’re sure to get the same response from the majority: “Ask them how school was.” After school questions can lead to either a major freeze-out OR the potential of deeper questions. For most of us, the ...

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Brain Training Research for Kids with Learning Disabilities

Students with learning disabilities often receive labels. They are defined by what they struggle with, and many schools move them through the system without really digging deeper and answering the question: “Why?” As parents, it’s our job to make sure our kids are receiving the support they need in order to reach their fullest potential. ...

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Can a Student Go From Hating School to Loving School? 

Fabian and Mary Kay sought out LearningRx when their son, Nathan, was going into 8th grade.  Nathan had consistently struggled in school. He had difficulties with reading, writing and attention. His parents biggest concern was that he was frustrated and hated school.  Given he was approaching high school, they were desperate to see improvement.  He lacked confidence ...

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Can a Student Go From Hating School to Loving School? 

Fabian and Mary Kay sought out LearningRx when their son, Nathan, was going into 8th grade.  Nathan had consistently struggled in school. He had difficulties with reading, writing and attention. His parents biggest concern was that he was frustrated and hated school.  Given he was approaching high school, they were desperate to see improvement.  He lacked confidence ...

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