Brain Training Articles & News, Page 47

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

LearningRx Louisville Earns Top Award at National Convention

LearningRx Springhurst was recently presented with the 2023 Customer Service award at the company's national convention held in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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One on One Tutoring in Colorado Springs

When students have a tough time in school, it’s easy to think that the answer might be one on one tutoring. But there are other options for one on one learning support. At LearningRx Colorado Springs, we offer tailored training programs to help students hone their thinking and learning skills. With a personalized approach for ...

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Corporate Skill Strengthening- LearningRx Texarkana

Brain training focuses on strengthening cognitive skills. With brain training, you can target skills that help you be top notch at your job. Brain Training improves job skills to become a stronger, more confident thinker. – concentration – memory -processing speed

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Signs of Weak Executive Functioning and How to Build These Skills

Executive functioning skills play a crucial role in our daily lives, affecting our ability to plan, organize, make decisions, and focus on tasks effectively. Whether you’re a student, a working professional, or simply looking to enhance your cognitive abilities, mastering executive functioning can significantly improve your overall productivity and performance.  Understand the Fundamentals of Executive ...

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Cooperate Skill Building- Is it important?-LearningRx Texarkana

Brain training offers a way to strengthen thinking skills or cognitive skills! -CONCENTRATION -MEMORY -PROCESSING SPEED With brain training, you can target skills like concentration, memory, and processing speed to become a stronger, more confident thinker.

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TBI and Brain Training

A new sports season is picking up—and sometimes, so are injuries. Many individuals have experienced cognitive improvements following an injury after brain training, restoring confidence and getting them back on track! Every case is unique, but we’d love to share more about the options you have to get your cognitive strength back! #tbi #tbisurvivor #concussion #braintraining ...

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Restart the School Year with Improved Study Skills

Study skills can often feel like an inherent ability: you either have it or you don’t. But in reality, effective habits for studying are cultivated and strengthened over time. They can be improved by brain training and other types of one-on-one support. And they have an outsized impact on a learner’s ability to move through ...

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Games and Activities to Build Visual Processing Skills

Visual processing skills are crucial for interpreting, analyzing, and understanding the visual information that bombards us daily. These skills involve the brain’s ability to perceive, process, and make sense of visual stimuli, which is essential for tasks ranging from reading and learning to navigation and problem-solving. There are actually several sub-categories of visual processing skills ...

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What Part of Executive Function is Your Child Struggling With?

Kids who struggle to stay motivated and engaged in school (and life) often struggle with executive function. This is a critical network of skills that governs your ability to start on a task, stay motivated and engaged throughout, and create an efficient plan to get the work done. While it’s a broad umbrella of skills, ...

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School Psychologist Turned LearningRx Researcher!

School Psychologist Turned LearningRx Researcher! Evan struggled with reading and spelling. His mom, Amy, was a school psychologist and they had tried various ways to help him.  The issue became urgent when Evan’s spelling continued to decline.  It was determined that the root cause of Evan’s difficulties was low auditory processing.  He struggled to blend and discriminate sounds ...

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