Brain Training Articles & News, Page 49

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Don’t Ignore These Back-to-School Warning Signs of Learning Struggles

As children head back to school, it’s crucial for parents and educators to be aware of potential learning struggles that might hinder their academic progress. Recognizing the warning signs early on can help address the issues and provide the necessary support to ensure children’s success.The red flags we cover in this blog should not be ...

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Can Tutoring Help with Neurodiversity?

When it comes to neurodiversity, learners and their parents can face an uphill battle in finding the right support. Whether you’re exploring tutoring or alternatives like brain training, it’s only natural to worry about your options. Before you dive too deep into one type of support or another, it’s always helpful to remember that your ...

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Back-to-School Tips to Expand Your Teen’s Confidence and Independence

We all want our kids to thrive in learning environments, but often there are things that get in the way. Whether it’s overwhelming classroom environments, lack of confidence, or other concerns, many teens tend to shut down or react negatively to school. This response isn’t obstinance or bad behavior—in almost every case, it’s a coping ...

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Signs of School Avoidance (and What’s Going on Under the Surface)

School avoidance is a complex issue that affects many students around the world. While it’s natural for some children to experience occasional reluctance or anxiety about attending school, persistent school avoidance can have a significant impact on a student’s academic progress, social development, and overall well-being. There are many reasons why kids try to avoid ...

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The Back-to-School Checklist No Parent Should Forget

This isn’t going to be a back-to-school checklist full of supply lists or scheduling recommendations. While those things are important, we believe that fostering a resilient, strong brain is THE top need our children have in today’s school system. They are constantly faced with an onslaught of information, peer pressure, stress, and busy-ness, and if ...

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Simple Breathing Exercises for In-the-Moment Coregulation

Stressful moments happen frequently. Whether you’re a child or adult, it’s easy for emotions to ramp up and suddenly feel out of control. As adults, we’ve learned to regulate these emotional outbursts, but kids do not have that luxury—unless they’re taught how to do it. Coregulation happens when a steady presence helps to ease the ...

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Dreading Homework this Fall? Brain Training can Help!

It’s Sunday night and your learner is facing down a tall stack of unfinished homework. Does this sound familiar? Homework challenges are an incredibly common experience for students of all ages—which is why you may be exploring your options for homework help. From brain training to tutoring, it helps to know what’s available and how ...

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3 Practical Things You Can Do to Get Your Child’s Brain Ready for School

The back-to-school season is filled with stress, planning, and adjustments for your family. You spend time making sure school supply lists are checked off, sports are registered, wardrobes are filled… and it may feel like adding even one more thing to your family’s plate is too much. Even taking the last lingering days of summer ...

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Adult ADHD Solutions to Help You Focus

Adult ADHD can be a hindrance to feeling confident and successful in many areas of life. Struggling to focus and remember can leave you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed easily, and it’s hard to know where to turn for help. Neurodiverse adults have unique strengths and weaknesses, and knowing them is the first place to start! ...

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Tutoring Services in Reston: Building A Foundation For Learning

If you’re considering tutoring services for your learner, it’s also worth exploring your other options for one-on-one assistance. At LearningRx Reston, we help students practice and hone their underlying brain skills, so they can get excited about learning again. While tutoring services can help students catch up if they’ve fallen behind, they may not always ...

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