Brain Training Articles & News, Page 58

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

This Needs To Happen Before Your Child Can Learn to Read

You read to your child from the time they are babies, and when they start school you have this amazing excitement for them: they’re going to learn to read, too! Reading is such a powerful tool not only for education, but also for personal development, enjoyment, relaxation, and expansion. But then something happens… Your kids ...

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Build Math Confidence with These Fun Math Games

Does math stress you (or your kids) out? Are math homework sessions filled with dread, tears of frustration, or outbursts that leave you questioning whether it’s really worth it to push through? Math anxiety is extremely common, and kids often express this tension about math in ways that make it seem hard to overcome. Building ...

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Reading Help: Signs Your Child Is Struggling with Visual Processing

When students need reading help, it’s sometimes because an underlying issue is the culprit. Last month, we looked at visual processing—and how challenges with this cognitive skill can result in difficulties in reading and other subjects. This month, we’ll look at a few common signs that a learner is struggling with this issue.   First of ...

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Spelling Struggles and the Brain

Spelling struggles are extremely common. The English language doesn’t do us any favors with its abundance of spelling “rules” and exceptions, but for kids especially, grasping accurate and confident spelling skills can feel unreachable. While in the digital age most spelling mistakes are fixed by autocorrect or that squiggly red line that pops up under ...

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Why Positive Reinforcement is so Important for the ADHD Brain

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. People with ADHD often struggle with attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Because of the ways the ADHD brain is wired differently, positive reinforcement is a crucial aspect of managing the more challenging aspects of this disorder.  What Is Positive Reinforcement? Firstly, ...

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Why Is Spelling So Hard for Some Kids?

The English language doesn’t do us any favors with its abundance of spelling “rules” and exceptions, but for kids especially, grasping accurate and confident spelling skills can feel unreachable. While in the digital age many spelling mistakes are fixed by autocorrect or that squiggly red line that pops up under your mistakes, it’s still important ...

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5 Motivation Strategies to Keep Kids Engaged

Especially during seasons when there’s anticipation about what’s coming next or when school feels overwhelming, it can be hard to keep kids engaged in their work. Motivation is something that is difficult to teach. It really has to come from within in order to be effective, but that doesn’t mean you’re powerless to get your ...

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Why Does My Child Forget Everything? Can I Help Improve Their Memory?

Many kids forget things—but some struggle more than others to remember important details. That can be especially challenging when it comes to school, homework, and learning. How can anyone improve memory? What strategies should you consider? Memory problems can come in all shapes and sizes. When kids are simply too excited or too anxious, it ...

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Autism Facts + How Brain Training Fits In

Millions of individuals are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) every year. While this diagnosis is extremely broad and each individual has their own unique sets of strengths and struggles, understanding autism a little more deeply is so important. Whether you are a parent facing an autism diagnosis or a community member seeking to understand ...

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How Autism Presents Differently in Boys vs. Girls

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior. It is estimated that one in every 44 children in the United States is diagnosed with ASD, and the condition is known to affect boys more often than girls. However, recent research has shown that autism presents differently in boys ...

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