Brain Training Articles & News, Page 60

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Celebrating 10 Years in the Shenandoah Valley: 10+ Success Stories from LearningRx Staunton-Harrisonburg

We are celebrating a big milestone this year at LearningRx Staunton-Harrisonburg. We’ve been open and serving the Shenandoah Valley for 10 years! While the years have been filled with ups and downs, the reason we do what we do is because of the amazing impact we’re able to have on our clients’  lives. We firmly ...

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8 Great Foods for Your Brain

Our brain is one of the most important organs in our body. It’s responsible for our ability to think, learn, and remember. And just like any other part of our body, our brain needs the right fuel to function at its best. So, if you’re looking to boost your brainpower, here are 8 great foods ...

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Brain Training During Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery

Traumatic brain injury recovery can be a long road. TBIs can have significant and long-lasting effects on a person’s cognitive abilities, and these changes may make it difficult to perform daily tasks and hinder their quality of life. However, research has shown that targeted brain training may be an effective method for improving cognitive function ...

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Reading Help: What is Visual Processing?

Every day, our minds process vast amounts of information at incredible speeds, often without us even knowing it! That’s why, when we struggle with certain activities—such as reading—it can be tough to pinpoint what’s really happening. Often, learners don’t even realize they need reading help, because difficulties may only register on a subconscious level. Take ...

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Top 5 Warning Signs of Learning Struggles

As a parent or teacher, it can be difficult to know if a child is struggling with learning. Sometimes the signs are subtle, and it can be easy to dismiss them as just a bad day or a lack of motivation. However, if you notice any of the following warning signs of learning struggles, it’s ...

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Find Help with Math: What to Do When Your Child Struggles with Math

We’re surrounded by math every day — whether you’re calculating the tip for a waiter or hair stylist, tracking sports statistics for your favorite team, or playing music. Unfortunately, a lot of people struggle with numbers and math, and it starts at a young age. If you think your learner might need math help, here’s ...

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Mind-Blowing Brain Facts & Things You Can Do to Stay Sharp

Your brain is an amazing organ. There’s nothing that you do (consciously or not) that doesn’t go back to your brain. From seeing and hearing the world around you to following a conversation to literally keeping your heart beating, your brain impacts every area of your life. Today we are bringing awareness to some mind-blowing ...

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Mind-Blowing Brain Facts & Things You Can Do to Stay Sharp

Your brain is an amazing organ. There’s nothing that you do (consciously or not) that doesn’t go back to your brain. From seeing and hearing the world around you to following a conversation to literally keeping your heart beating, your brain impacts every area of your life. Today we are bringing awareness to some mind-blowing ...

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Top Warning Signs in Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-teacher conferences are an important opportunity for parents to gain insight into their child’s academic progress and behavior in the classroom. While most conferences are positive and productive, there are sometimes warning signs that can indicate potential issues. Being aware of these red flags can help you be proactive in addressing any concerns and ensuring ...

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5 Brain Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

The human brain is one of the most complex and fascinating organs in the body, capable of performing countless functions every day. From controlling our movements and thoughts to processing emotions and memories, the brain is truly remarkable. Here are some of the most amazing brain facts that may surprise you: #1: The brain is ...

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