Brain Training Articles & News, Page 62

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

This Could be the Reason Your Child Struggles with Reading or Math.

Rosa struggled with reading and math from a young age.  Her parents and teachers worked with Rosa but they were not seeing improvement.  Rosa disliked reading and homework time was frustrating because the work was so hard for her. By why did she struggle so much?   Rosa’s parents decided to seek help from LearningRx and she completed an ...

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TBI and the Brain: 5 Ways TBIs Affect the Brain and How Brain Training Helps

Recovering from a traumatic brain injury (TBI), can be a scary time full of uncertainties. How much damage has been done? What effects will it have? To what extent is recovery possible? When it comes to TBI and the brain, there are a number of ways a brain injury can affect the brain and its ...

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Proof of Progress: What to do When You Don’t See Growth

As we embark on new endeavors and set goals for ourselves, it can be disheartening when we don’t see progress right away. But the truth is, progress often comes in small increments, and it can be hard to see the bigger picture when we’re focused on the day-to-day. In homeschool circles especially, this question of ...

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5 Surprising Facts About Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia is a learning disability that affects an individual’s ability to perform mathematical operations and solve mathematical problems. Some people will call it “math dyslexia” because of the similar ways it impacts learning, just in a different subject area. Despite its prevalence, there are many misconceptions about dyscalculia that hinder individuals from receiving the support ...

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3 Ways Brain Training Builds Confidence

We want our kids to grow into confident, capable adults, but building confidence can often seem like a challenge. Especially for kids who are naturally hard on themselves or who struggle more than peers in some areas, identifying areas where you can build confidence is so important.  While brain training is typically primarily a tool ...

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Mom’s Intuition Leads Her To Dyslexia Diagnosis, Brain Training Solution

How many times have you heard a mom say, ‘I just have this feeling in my gut’ about her child? Experts say a mother’s intuition is a thing – especially when it comes to the child’s well-being. For one mom living in San Antonio, Texas, this “hunch” was so powerful, it led her to make ...

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“Your Child Will Read When They’re Ready” and Other Reading Myths

Chances are you’ve heard at least one of these before (and to be honest, maybe you’ve even said them). While well-intentioned, often, adhering to any of these reading myths can hold your child back from growing in his or her reading skills as quickly or as easily as possible. Reading Myths You May Have Heard ...

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Homework Help is More than Tutoring

When kids race home from school, the last thing on their minds is more studying. It’s no surprise, then, that homework can be a trial for many households. For lots of parents, tutoring feels like a familiar solution, but it’s not always the one that works. When choosing homework help, your child’s struggles may dictate ...

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7 Tips for Building Self-Esteem in Kids and Teens

Self-esteem is at the foundation of a child’s healthy development, and it’s crucial to foster it from an early age. However, it’s not always easy to do so, especially as kids and teens face many challenges and pressures in today’s world. But there are many things parents, caregivers, and educators can do to begin building ...

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Strong Cognitive Skills Make Kids More Confident

Helping our kids become more confident can be an uphill battle. The world we live in has increasing expectations and speed that is making kids more anxious and unsure of themselves. Instead of just having a positive outlook, how can we foster deep confidence in kids of all ages?  Building cognitive skills is an important ...

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