Brain Training Articles & News, Page 66

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

How to Have a Strong Start to the Second Half of the School Year

Whether the first half of the school year was a breeze or a battleground for your family, the new year creates a new opportunity for a fresh start. The second half of the school year can drag on. It is full of long stretches (without many breaks), lots of testing for many kids, and a ...

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How to Make Good New Year’s Resolutions with Your Kids

With the New Year come new goals, both for you personally and your family. Whether you embrace this turning of the calendar or you balk at the idea of setting New Year’s resolutions, learning how to set goals with our kids is important. When they see how we think about what we want (and how ...

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Great Games for Kids with ADHD

Having a kid with ADHD can feel like you’re on a roller coaster. Either they are high energy and struggling to focus OR they are disengaged (and also struggling to focus). ADHD comes with its own unique strengths and weaknesses, but learning to help these kids think faster and learn more easily can be extremely ...

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4 Family Resolutions to Set for the New Year

What if you weren’t on your own to stick to this year’s New Year’s resolutions? Setting individual goals can absolutely be helpful, but family resolutions can be a powerful way to connect, hold each other accountable, and have some fun together in the new year. Here are 4 family resolution ideas to get you started: ...

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3 Holiday Brain Games to Challenge Your Memory

Looking for a fun way to engage a group this holiday season? What if you could challenge your memory and strengthen your thinking skills at the same time? These are opportunities for some brain games!  The best thing you can do to alleviate stress and open the door to easier learning is to make stretching ...

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Can Homework Help Make Homework Easier?

Last-minute scrambling to finish assignments, avoidant behavior, tears, and frustration: these are all common occurrences when dealing with homework. But why is homework so fraught for some students—and what type of homework help can make a meaningful difference?  Kids and teens – and by extension their parents – can experience the stress, anger, and heightened ...

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Research-Backed Memory Help for Adults

When you feel like you’re losing your edge or your cognitive abilities are beginning to decline, you may search everywhere for SOMETHING to help. Getting memory help is a great way to prolong your confidence and quality of life as you get older! Here are some research-backed methods for helping yourself or loved ones maintain ...

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Holiday Letter Writing, and why it’s fun!

At last, it’s the holiday season! After a long 11 months of the turbulent 2022, we’re finally encroaching upon the most exciting occasion of this time of year—              Letter Writing Day! We’ve reached Letter Writing Day, the day designed to honor the tradition of written correspondence to your dearest loved ones. Okay, it may ...

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3 Important Ways to Protect Your Memory

In short: the best way to keep your memory strong is to use it! Staying both physically and cognitively active during your adult years can set you up to stay sharp and to protect your memory long-term. Warding off dementia, cognitive decline, and memory loss is a growing field of study, but here are 3 ...

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5 First Signs of Memory Loss and Cognitive Decline

As you spend time with the older members of your family, you may start to notice something is “off.” Or maybe you’re starting to question yourself—frequently misplacing things, struggling to find the right word, or feeling like you’re losing your edge. Memory loss and cognitive decline are extremely common. While there are things you can ...

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