Brain Training Articles & News, Page 69

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

5 Ways Gratitude Changes Your Brain

It’s easy to talk about thankfulness during this time of year. But instead of just isolating these practices to a holiday in November, what if we took this as an opportunity to begin a consistent practice that would have major impacts on our daily functioning? Gratitude changes your brain at a biological level, and its ...

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3 Ways You Can Support Adopted Children With Learning Differences

Since November is National Adoption Month, it seems like a good time to talk about how to support adopted children with learning differences. Adopted children are more likely to experience learning differences, and those differences present unique challenges. Added struggles due to their early life experiences, adjusting to adoption, and their school and social environment ...

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5 Ways to Help Your Kids Take Gratitude Beyond Thanksgiving Week

Thanksgiving week is a great time to talk about gratitude as a family. But the effects of gratitude go way beyond one week of the year! Consistent gratitude makes kids and adults more energized, less stressed, happier, and more confident. Here are 5 helpful tips to take your family gratitude rhythms beyond Thanksgiving week: Dinner ...

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7 Gratitude Tips for Kids

It’s the season of thankfulness, and if you’re thinking, “Man, my kid doesn’t really get what gratitude even is!”, you are not alone. We teach our kids to say “Thank you” at a very early age, but how do we help them take gratitude beyond this basic pleasantry? Here are 7 gratitude tips to make ...

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From Student to Trainer.  Lily’s amazing transformation!

Lily’s parents knew she was smart – her logic was over the 90th percentile!  However, school was difficult and often overwhelming especially in the higher grade levels of high school and college.  Her parents knew they needed to help Lily.  Lily’s assessment detailed that she had strong skills, but her working memory and processing speed were lagging.  These lower skills ...

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From Struggling to Confident – Watch Lily’s transformation!

Lily was a 19-year-old who was very bright but who also always struggled. Her parents hoped that her difficulties would work themselves out, but they did not. As a result, her parents knew they needed to help Lily.  Her initial assessment showed that Lily had very strong skills, but her working memory and processing speed were ...

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Executive Function concerns?  Lily was transformed!

Lily was always told she was very bright – and she was – her logic was over the 90th percentile!  Despite this, she was struggling – especially in the tougher grade levels of high school and college.  Her parents knew they needed to help Lily.  Her initial assessment showed that Lily had very strong skills, but her working memory ...

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10 Family Game Night Favorites That Also Strengthen Brain Skills

Family game night is a great way to connect, unplug, and spend time together. But an added bonus is that many fun family games also strengthen brain skills! Building things like attention, memory, processing speed, visual processing, and logic in a game-like environment can benefit you and your kids in other areas of life as ...

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What to do after Parent/Teacher Conferences

We’re already halfway through the first semester of the school year, which means thatparent-teacher conferences are coming to a close. As a parent, you might be wondering: howdo I use what I took away from the conference to encourage a positive future for my child? Well,with the help of Colorín Colorado’s article “Tips For Successful ...

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Smart Mom’s Toybox 2022: Games and Toys that Build Brain Skills

Here’s this year’s roundup of some fun games and toys that build brain skills (even though they’re so fun you probably won’t even realize it!) As the holiday season quickly approaches and sales are happening, here are some fun and engaging things to add to your shopping lists: Family Game Night Picks That Build Brain ...

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