Brain Training Articles & News, Page 71

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Getting Math Help: All About Math Anxiety

Tears, stress, avoidance, and anger: these are symptoms of math anxiety, a real phenomenon that affects cognitive function. While lots of students may need math help, those with math anxiety can especially benefit from a different approach.  What is Math Anxiety Math anxiety, also known as math phobia, is an increasingly common experience for students ...

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The Dangers of Putting Off Reading Help for Struggling Students

When do you get reading help for your child who is struggling, and when do you give it more time? This is a question that comes up often in our conversations with families. You want to give them space to grow at their own pace, but you also hate to see them struggling… So what ...

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Diving Into Dyslexia: What You Need To Know and How LearningRx Can Help

Does your child struggle with reading? If so, it can be hard to know if their struggles are part of normal learning and development or if they indicate a more serious reading disability like dyslexia. As the most common learning disorder, dyslexia affects anywhere from 5-12% of the population. And it’s also the most well-known: ...

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The Role of Auditory Processing in Dyslexia & Reading Struggles

One of the most common misconceptions about dyslexia and other reading struggles is that the problem must be visual. These kids must just be “seeing” the letters wrong. They’re seeing them backwards. They’re mixing up the order. But in reality, weak auditory processing is actually the most common underlying cause of reading struggles, including dyslexia. ...

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Auditory Processing and Dyslexia: Getting to the Root Cause of Reading Struggles

For years, many people believed that dyslexia was a visual processing issue. People thought that dyslexic learners see letters backwards or out of order. However, now we understand more about this condition and know that in many cases, the real basis of dyslexia and other reading disorders is actually a problem with auditory processing.  What ...

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Red Flags to Listen for in Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent teacher conferences are happening, and with them come lots of questions… Is my child doing what he should be? Are there any new problems that we can catch onto early? Is this year really going to be as hard as last year? These are valid concerns and as you listen to your child’s teacher, ...

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Looking for ADHD Help? Find Out How Brain Training Works

Living with ADHD means finding creative solutions to challenges at school, at work, and in life. Sometimes, these strategies work for a while, but do not provide long-term solutions. Approaching these challenges with a sense of curiosity, creativity, and good humor can be crucial for finding the right ADHD help.  Our understanding of ADHD has ...

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4 Different Types of Learning Disabilities and What To Watch Out For

The thought of your child having a learning disability can be panic-inducing. Learning disabilities can be frustrating for kids and challenging for parents and teachers. The good news is that learning disabilities are extremely common and treatable. And contrary to popular belief, they are not a measure of intelligence. Learning differences like dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ...

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Dyslexia: Myths & Signs and How to Read More Confidently

Did you know that dyslexia affects 5-15% of all Americans? That’s somewhere between 14.5-43.5 million people in the U.S. alone. This common diagnosis is often thrown around in conversations among parents when kids reverse letters or struggle with reading, but do you really understand what it is? What Is Dyslexia Really? Dyslexia isn’t just letter ...

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6 Things You’ve Never Heard About Dyslexia

There is a lot of misunderstanding about the way individuals with dyslexia experience the world. Here are 6 mostly-unknown things that you may not have heard about this learning disability: Dyslexics don’t see letters backwards. Dyslexia isn’t a visual processing problem. Instead, it is an inability to connect letters to sounds to meaning in the ...

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