Brain Training Articles & News, Page 72

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Dyslexia: Myths & Signs and How to Read More Confidently

Did you know that dyslexia affects 5-15% of all Americans? That’s somewhere between 14.5-43.5 million people in the U.S. alone. This common diagnosis is often thrown around in conversations among parents when kids reverse letters or struggle with reading, but do you really understand what it is? What Is Dyslexia Really? Dyslexia isn’t just letter ...

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6 Things You’ve Never Heard About Dyslexia

There is a lot of misunderstanding about the way individuals with dyslexia experience the world. Here are 6 mostly-unknown things that you may not have heard about this learning disability: Dyslexics don’t see letters backwards. Dyslexia isn’t a visual processing problem. Instead, it is an inability to connect letters to sounds to meaning in the ...

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6 Dyslexia Facts + Brain Training for Reading Struggles

Dyslexia is a term that is thrown around frequently when kids are struggling to read. They switch b’s and d’s; they read a word backwards… Does it mean it’s dyslexia?!  Dyslexia is not actually reading letters backwards or seeing jumbled words on a page. It’s a specific learning disorder that impairs your ability to process ...

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Do These 3 Things to Focus Better, Remember More, and Protect Your Brain Health

Whether you’re a child learning to read or an adult feeling like you’re losing your edge, protecting the health of your brain is critical. We all wish we could focus better and remember more, but how do we do that? Here are some important places to start: #1: Build Cognitive Skills First The first question ...

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Specific Learning Disorder with Impairment in Reading: What It Is and What You Need to Know

For years, kids who struggle with reading have been accommodated, pushed through, put in lower reading groups, or diagnosed with dyslexia. However, there is a move towards a more general understanding of this struggle with reading: and that is specific learning disorder with impairment in reading. So Is Dyslexia Not a Thing Any More? Dyslexia ...

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Homework Help and Time Management: They Go Hand in Hand

Homework is a daily battle for many students. Some learners thrive at school but procrastinate when they get home. Others find themselves struggling in a particular subject. Whatever the case, plenty of kids and teens can benefit from homework help.  For many learners, homework requires a whole different set of skills than what they use ...

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Dyslexia Awareness Month – Is dyslexia affecting you? 

Seven hundred eighty million people globally may have some form of dyslexia. A number that large can feel overwhelming. Dyslexia Awareness month aims to highlight this disability because it affects more people than we know.  So let’s break down this significant statistic.  This number may play out in a classroom; out of thirty students, at ...

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