Brain Training Articles & News, Page 73

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Signs of Slow Processing Speed and How to Think Faster

Slow processing speed impacts every area of life, whether you’re 5 or 95. The ability to think quickly opens up the door to MUCH easier learning, reading, remembering, reasoning, and performing in schools or workplaces. If you suspect you or your child might have slow processing speed, here are some of the top warning signs: ...

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Healthy Foods to Pack in Your Kids Lunches

As a parent, you want your kids to consume healthy foods at school to keep their brain functioning at peak performance. But how do you decide what to pack if you’ve got a picky eater? One trick is to pack small amounts of different foods to test which items your child likes without wasting large ...

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The Best Ways to Praise Your Kids

We all want to raise strong, independent kids who feel comfortable in their own skin. These mentally strong kids are able to bounce back when things get hard and are driven to succeed. The way you praise your kids either fosters this growth or sets standards and expectations that are not healthy long-term.  Here are ...

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A Guide to Starting Off the School Year Right!

We can all feel it—the rapid acceleration of the school year. The end to what was probably a welcome break from the stress and challenge of academia. Hopefully, your brain has had time to rest from all that constant exercise! But how do you get it ready to get back in the groove of things ...

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Help With Reading Comprehension

Around fourth grade, there is a shift from “learning to read” to “reading to learn.” At this point, students begin focusing on reading for information and comprehension. Obviously, the timeframe varies, depending on the child, but that’s not to say that comprehension doesn’t play a role before third grade. It simply means that for many ...

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9 Games to Improve Working Memory

Working memory is a critical learning skill that helps kids take in and process information effectively. It’s like your mental “bucket” that holds onto information long enough to either apply it or store it for later recall. But for many kids (and adults), it’s like this bucket has holes in it. Bits and pieces slip ...

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Things to Think About When Considering In-School Accommodations

If your child is struggling in school, it is highly likely that their teachers or administration are going to suggest some form of in-school accommodations to give them a leg-up. Or if you homeschool, you tailor all curriculum and all instruction to the needs of your child… But is this really the best option you ...

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The ADHD Research Results Say…

School is off and running! This is about the time that teachers start noticing students struggling with attention issues and you may be noticing these issues during homework sessions. Some may have even suggested you should look for ADHD help or if your child qualifies for an ADHD diagnosis.  It can be confusing to figure ...

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And The (ADHD) Research Says….

It’s September and school is off and running! This is about the time that teachers start to noticing students struggling with attention issues and you, as a parent, may be noticing these issues during homework sessions. Some may have even suggested you should look for ADHD help and that you should check to see if ...

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The ADHD Research Says….

The ADHD Research Says… As the school year is in full swing, teachers are starting to notice students who are struggling with attention issues and you, as a parent, may be noticing focus and attention difficulties during homework. It can be confusing to figure out where to look for attention or ADHD help. Is medication ...

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