Brain Training Articles & News, Page 74

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

The ADHD Research Says….

The ADHD Research Says… As the school year is in full swing, teachers are starting to notice students who are struggling with attention issues and you, as a parent, may be noticing focus and attention difficulties during homework. It can be confusing to figure out where to look for attention or ADHD help. Is medication ...

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How Cognitive Skills and Reading Are Related, and Why Some Kids Struggle

Learn the relationship between cognitive skills and reading, what causes reading comprehension struggles, and how you can help your child achieve reading success.

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Reading Interventions: What to Look for to Help Struggling Readers

If you’re desperate for something to help your struggling reader, you may be overwhelmed with the number of reading interventions that are available to you. All of these different programs and approaches tout gains in reading ability, so what should you really be looking for? According to the Science of Reading (an evidence-based understanding of ...

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6 Memory Strategies to Help You Feel Smarter

When you hear something one time and store it away as a memory, you have one reference point with which to draw out that fact. But the more organization of thought, the more connections to prior knowledge, and the more vivid you are with your memory strategies, the more “threads” you will have connected to ...

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Homework Help, Tutoring, or Brain Training: Understanding the Nuances

When kids and teens race home from school, it’s hard to pivot back to learning. Plenty of students struggle to complete their homework. So, when is it time to enlist homework help? And how do you know what type of support your child needs? Students of all ages may need support in the following situations: ...

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Thinking Outside the Box: Understanding potential interventions for struggling students

As a parent, you want to see your child thrive in school. However, even the brightest kidscan sometimes find themselves struggling academically. It’s hard to know what interventions might bemost effective for your student’s particular challenges. Some parents end up tossing timeand money at the first option that presents itself. Unfortunately, your first, or even ...

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Signs of Weak Cognitive Skills in Struggling Students

If you are a parent of a struggling student, it can be hard to watch them fight day-in and day-out on things that “should come naturally.” After all, aren’t schools equipped to help all learners succeed? Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Even in our local area, schools are slipping behind national averages on ...

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An Unconventional Approach to Reading 

When you approach teaching a new learner how to read, where do you usually start?  Do you begin by reading simple books and working through each word?   Or do you introduce each letter in the alphabet and the sound it makes?  Both of these approaches seem sound, right?  While approaches like the ones listed ...

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How Structured Literacy Helps Kids Learn to Read

The way kids learn to read—and the best ways for teachers and reading interventions to meet these needs—has been studied and researched for decades. The clear winner continues to be structured literacy. This approach is not a specific program or curriculum. Instead, structured literacy addresses HOW reading instruction should be delivered and WHAT the priorities ...

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6 Tips to Reduce Risk of Dementia

We all want to feel sharp, energized, and healthy as we get older. However, with conditions like dementia on the rise, it can be hard to know what the future holds. While there is no one “miracle” way to reduce risk of dementia, here are some tips that research shows to be effective: #1: Skip ...

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