Brain Training Articles & News, Page 75

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

What a transformation! Watch our most recent Twin Cities Live story.

Lily had huge success improving her reading, math and attention skills so when her little brother, Sully, was entering first grade and struggling with reading fluency and comprehension, they enrolled Sully. The root cause of these difficulties was memory. He recently completed his LearningRx training, and he has seen huge improvements in these areas. Watch ...

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Memory Tips and Tricks to Improve Recall & Learning

The ability to efficiently and accurately recall information is so important for learning. Whether it’s learning to read, learning a new job, studying for exams, or learning the names of people you just met, here are some memory tips and tricks for you to try. The Big Picture: Protect Your Brain Health Memory and recall ...

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Is Tutoring the Only Option for Math Help?

“I’m just not good at math.” How many times have you heard that? Some people seem to have a natural aptitude for numbers and equations, while others can’t help but struggle. For those who have a tough time, math help can redefine what’s possible. That’s true for kids as well as teens—and adults, too. Parents ...

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How Does the LearningRx Reading Program Fit with the Science of Reading?

LearningRx is committed to providing the highest quality program that will deliver the most benefit to our clients. When it comes to reading help, our reading program has been proven again and again to be effective, even if you have an additional learning challenge. With the move towards the Science of Reading in classroom instruction, ...

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What’s Missing from the Science of Reading?

The Science of Reading is a great move towards phonics instruction and helping kids learn to read more effectively. In and of itself, it is going to really help some kids “get” reading—but how about those kids that still struggle? Here’s what we believe is missing from the Science of Reading… What the Science of ...

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Why Some Kids Have Reading Struggles, and 7 Early Signs To Watch For

Does your child struggle with reading? Learn what causes reading struggles, early signs to watch for, and how to help your child become a better reader.

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Things to Look for in Successful Reading Interventions

When it comes to helping your struggling reader, there is a wide range of reading interventions available right now. So how do you weed through them and find the right fit? Here are some things to look for based on the latest research on best practices for reading instruction: Structured Literacy As opposed to balanced ...

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Brain Training for Adults – National Healthy Aging Month

People of all ages, even adults, can benefit from personal brain training. September is National Healthy Aging Month, and we want to highlight how adults can benefit from personal brain training. Many assume that personal brain training is only for students, but anyone can benefit from targeted cognitive skills training. How LearningRx Helps Adults At ...

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What Is the Science of Reading?

When you think of learning to read, what comes to mind? Likely it is one of two things: phonics or sight words (or maybe something of a combination). These 2 main approaches have been at war for decades. New research published as the Science of Reading shows a clear winner: kids need strong phonological processing ...

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What is the Science of Reading? (And What Does It Miss?)

How we teach kids to read has changed drastically over the past decades. Phonics is in, then it’s out. Now it’s sight words. Oh, now we’re back to phonics… it can be hard to keep up. When it comes to how kids learn to read, there have been some important shifts in recent years towards ...

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