Brain Training Articles & News, Page 8

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Phrases To Not Say To Someone With ADHD: 

If you have a loved one diagnosed with ADHD, there are some phrases to not say to someone with ADHD. If we do not struggle with attention issues or ADHD, it can be difficult to understand the extent to which it impacts others. To help, below are some phrases to not say to someone with ADHD:  If ...

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Phrases To Not Say To Someone With ADHD: 

If you have a loved one diagnosed with ADHD, there are some phrases to not say to someone with ADHD. If we do not struggle with attention issues or ADHD, it can be difficult to understand the extent to which it impacts others. To help, below are some phrases to not say to someone with ADHD:  If ...

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Phrases To Not Say To Someone With ADHD: 

If you have a loved one diagnosed with ADHD, there are some phrases to not say to someone with ADHD. If we do not struggle with attention issues or ADHD, it can be difficult to understand the extent to which it impacts others. To help, below are some phrases to not say to someone with ...

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Can Brain Training Support Students with Dyslexia? 

If your student has dyslexia, they may be behind on their reading skills. But that doesn’t mean they can’t catch up. With the right dyslexia support, many learners go on to become confident, independent readers! In fact, many writers, leaders, and thinkers deal with dyslexia and other cognitive differences.  Exploring your options for one-on-one assistance ...

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Supporting Cognitive Skill Development in Homeschooled Students

For parents homeschooling their children, creating a well-rounded curriculum that meets both academic and developmental needs can be challenging. While homeschooling allows parents to tailor educational experiences to fit each child’s learning style, some homeschooled students still struggle to grasp essential skills despite personalized instruction. If you’re noticing that your child continues to face challenges, ...

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5 Fun & Engaging Holiday Brain Games

Whether your holiday plans include cozy nights at home or long road trips, you’ll likely find yourself with some downtime. What better way to fill it than with festive holiday brain games that bring the family together while giving everyone a chance to flex their cognitive muscles? These holiday-themed games are not only fun but ...

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15 Gift Ideas for Children With Autism

Shopping for holiday or birthday gifts for children with autism? When choosing presents, you’ll want to factor in the child’s developmental level, interests, and sensory needs—the latter of which can include sensory-seeking and sensory-avoiding behaviors. Whether you’re looking for an educational toy, a sensory-friendly activity, or a therapeutic experience that feels like fun, here are ...

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Accommodations, IEPs and LearningRx – Helping Kevin Improve

In helping Kevin improve, his parents considered accommodations, IEPs and LearningRx. When a child is struggling academically and/or has a diagnosis like ADHD, dyslexia, ASD or a general learning disability, there are several options to consider.  Common school intervention strategies include an IEP and accommodations.  These can be helpful as they enable a child to have 1-on-1 ...

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IEPs, Accommodations and LearningRx – Helping Kevin Succeed

Kevin’s parent’s goal was helping Kevin succeed and they looked at IEPs, accommodations and LearningRx. When a child is struggling academically and/or has a diagnosis like ADHD, dyslexia, ASD or a general learning disability, there are several options to consider.  Common school intervention strategies include an IEP and accommodations.  These can be helpful as they enable a ...

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Accommodations, IEPs and LearningRx – Helping Kevin Improve

Kevin’s parent’s goal was helping Kevin improve and they looked at accommodations, IEPs and LearningRx. When a child is struggling academically and/or has a diagnosis like ADHD, dyslexia, ASD or a general learning disability, there are several options to consider.  Common school intervention strategies include an IEP and accommodations.  These can be helpful as they enable a ...

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