Jersey Shore North FAQ
Before getting started with brain training, it’s common to have lots of questions. At LearningRx, we make it easy to find answers. Our brain training FAQ answers a number of frequently asked questions about brain training and LearningRx.
In this FAQ, you’ll find answers to questions like “What is brain training?,” “How does brain training work?,” and “How much does brain training cost?”
Can’t find the answer to your question in our brain training FAQ? Simply contact us to book a free initial conversation about brain training for you or your child!
Frequently Asked Questions About Brain Training
What Is Brain Training?
Brain training is a system of mental exercises that strengthen the brain’s learning and thinking skills. In the same way that personal training can improve physical fitness, brain training can improve cognitive performance.
Brain training can help kids build strong learning skills and address the root cause of learning difficulties. It’s also a great way for adults to become stronger learners and thinkers – at any age!
Read a more detailed explanation of brain training on our “What Is Brain Training?” page.
How Does Brain Training Work?
Brain training works by targeting and challenging specific mental skills. The harder these skills need to work, the stronger they become!
At LearningRx, we create individual training plans for each learner, and deliver training in a one-on-one environment. This way, each learner can target individual goals and can benefit from the direct feedback, instruction, and encouragement of a dedicated brain trainer!
Take a closer look at how brain training works on our “What Is Brain Training?” page.
Who Can Brain Training Help?
Anyone can benefit from brain training. Through brain training, you can increase attention span, improve memory, and boost cognitive performance!
Brain training can be especially helpful for students who are having learning difficulties. By building core learning and thinking skills, brain training can address the root cause of learning struggles and offer help with reading, math, studying, and homework. We also offer individual learning plans for kids and adults with learning differences, like ADHD and dyslexia.
Read more about who brain training can help on our “What Is Brain Training?” page.
Does Brain Training Actually Work?
At LearningRx, our programs are backed by more than 35 years of research, development, and testing, including brain training results from thousands of clients.
Between 2010 and 2018, more than 21,500 kids and adults completed a LearningRx brain training program. On average, kids and teens improved their learning skills by 3.7 years in this period, while the average adult improved their IQ score by +14 points!
Learn more about brain training results from LearningRx, and discover testimonials from LearningRx graduates.
(Results based on studies and surveys of past clients. You or your child may or may not achieve the same results.)
What Is a Brain Skills Assessment?
Our Brain Skills Assessment is a type of cognitive testing that measures your brain’s core learning and thinking skills. The Brain Skills Assessment takes approximately one hour to complete and is performed for a one-time flat fee.
With a Brain Skills Assessment, you can find out which cognitive skills are already strong, and which skills can be improved. You can also identify the root cause of learning struggles or cognitive difficulties your or your child may be experiencing.
We then use these results to design an individual training plan for you or your child. This way, brain training can target the cognitive skills with the most room for improvement!
Learn more about our cognitive testing methods and contact LearningRx to book a Brain Skills Assessment for you or your child!
How Long Does Brain Training Last?
A typical brain training program can last anywhere from two to eight months, with up to five training sessions per week, depending on each learner’s needs and schedule.
When we design an individual learning plan for you or your child, we will assess your training goals. We then develop a training plan and schedule based on these outcomes.
Get a better sense of how long brain training for you or your child may last by contacting your local LearningRx.
How Much Does Brain Training Cost?
Brain training costs are based on the cost of each session. These per-session costs are comparable to the cost of tutoring and other one-on-one learning programs.
Because the length of our programs can vary from learner to learner, the overall cost of brain training will depend on the individual training plan for you or your child.
Learn more about the cost of brain training for you or your child by contacting your local Brain Training Center.
How Is Brain Training Different from Tutoring?
While brain training and tutoring are similar in some ways, there are important differences between them.
Tutoring focuses on delivering information. This makes it a great choice when students have missed classes or when information was not understood during the first delivery.
Brain training focuses on building and strengthening learning skills. These skills can include core thinking skills, like attention and memorization, and thinking speed. They can also include core learning skills like reading and math abilities.
This makes brain training a smart choice for students who:
- Want to strengthen core learning skills like reading and math
- Are having trouble focusing in class or concentrating on homework
- Need to work harder than peers to achieve good grades
- Have tried tutoring in the past without success
In other words, tutoring focuses on delivering educational content, while brain training makes it easier for students to learn, process, and remember this content.
Learn more about brain training vs. tutoring and the differences between these two approaches.
How Is One-on-One Brain Training Different from Online Brain Training Games?
There’s a world of difference between one-on-one brain training and online brain games.
While online brain games can be fun for kids and adults, there’s little evidence they improve core learning and thinking skills. Online brain games are also missing critical components of brain training, like personalized training plans and feedback from a brain trainer.
At LearningRx, our brain training programs are rooted in 35+ years of research and development. We understand the importance of individualized training plans, as well as one-on-one learning. Our approach allows us to target the right skills for each learner and provide direct feedback, instruction, and motivation during brain training sessions.
One-on-one brain training is more than just a fun and stimulating activity. Instead, it gives kids and adults a way to strengthen their minds!
Find out how training the brain is different with LearningRx!
How Can I Get Started with Brain Training?
LearningRx makes it easy to get started with brain training! Simply contact your local Brain Training Center to request an initial conversation about your brain training goals!
During this initial conversation, we can answer any additional questions you might have about our approach, our programs, or what training will look like for you or your child. We can also provide an in-person demonstration of how brain training works.
Following this, we can schedule a Brain Skills Assessment and start developing an individual learning plan for you or your child!
Contact LearningRx today to take the first step toward brain training for you or your child!