Brain Training Articles & News, Page 101

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

5 Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids

Few things get you in the mood for Thanksgiving than doing crafts with your kids! Beyond the handprint turkeys, we’ve got a list of some affordable, simple and outright adorable crafts that you can probably do with things you already have it home. So gather those popsicle sticks and break out the construction paper because ...

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The 2021 Smart Moms Toybox

Every year LearningRx puts together a shopping list parents can use for brain-boosting gifts and games during the holiday season. LearningRx has vetted these games as items that align with LearningRx’s brain training values and ideals and focus on the underlying core cognitive skills that help us learn and perform daily. Skills like; attention, memory, auditory ...

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November 15-19 is American Education Week

This year, American Education Week is November 15-19 and each day has its own theme: Monday, November 15: Kickoff Day Tuesday, November 16: Family Day Wednesday, November 17: Education Support Professionals Day Thursday, November 18: Educator for a Day Friday, November 19: Substitute Educators Day How can you get involved in supporting and advocating for ...

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How You Can Be More Productive & Healthy By Boosting Cognitive Skills

Often we believe that as adults, our brains just are the way they are. Childhood is the time of learning and growth, right? Not so fast! Neuroplasticity is your brain’s ability to grow and change, at any age. This means it’s never too late to boost memory, increase processing speed, improve logic & reasoning skills, ...

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LearningRx Student Success Story: From poor grades to increased confidence and academic success!

When Sahara’s parents enrolled her at LearningRx Staunton-Harrisonburg, they were concerned about her poor grades at school, her challenges with organization and test-taking and the transition she was making after leaving a homeschool setting to attend a traditional school.  "If she thought she couldn’t do something, she convinced herself that she couldn’t do it," says ...

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5 Ways to Support Veterans (even if you can’t donate money)

If you’d like to support veterans throughout the year, there are a number of ways to do so–including through non-financial methods. Whether you can help transport vets to appointments, build a wheelchair ramp, run or play video games to raise funds, or simply donate clothes and household items to your local veterans-related nonprofit, here are ...

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How Personal Brain Training Can Help Those With TBI

Although LearningRx doesn’t diagnose or treat traumatic brain injury (TBI), our personal brain training programs have helped clients with these injuries enhance their cognitive abilities. We start with a Brain Skills Assessment, which provides a thorough understand of the person’s cognitive skills—including which are strong and which aren’t up to par. Cognitive skills are an ...

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9 Tips to Encourage Young Readers

November 9 is Young Reader’s Day and we’ve put together 9 tips to help parents develop and encourage reading with their young children. 1. Re-read books. This is not to discourage you from reading new books, but rather to build confidence, fluency and comprehension. 2. Show excitement for trips to the library or bookstore. If ...

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6 Tips for Homeschooling While You Work From Home

November 8 is National Parents as Teachers Day and with 2.6 million kids having switched to homeschooling since the pandemic began, the observance seems more relevant than ever. For many parents, being thrown into homeschooling without much preparation was tough enough. But consider, too, that many of those parents had to continue working from home ...

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Brain Training vs. Tutoring: Which is the Best Option for Your Family

If your child is struggling in school, the first option that comes to mind is probably hiring a tutor. After all, if your child is struggling with the content of the class, repetition is the key, right? Not necessarily. You see, a tutor is a great option for repeating information from missed classes, helping students ...

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