Brain Training Articles & News, Page 107

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

6 Key Ingredients of Effective Brain Training

Not all brain workouts are the same. While board games and brain games may work some cognitive skills, and tutoring helps with specific academic content that was missed the first time, 1-on-1 brain training is quite different. At LearningRx, we start with a Brain Skills Assessment to find out which brain skills—such as memory, attention, logic ...

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Tutoring or Training?

It’s finally summer and many parents are looking for summer tutoring options to help their child catch-up if they are behind in any areas or maintain skills over the summer. This past year has been especially difficult given the emergence of distance learning and hybrid learning models. But is tutoring your best option? The goal ...

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LearningRx Cedar Rapids on CBS Channel 2

Courtney Axine of LearningRx Cedar Rapids appeared on CBS Channel 2 to discuss parent/teacher collaboration.

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LearningRx Cedar Rapids on Channel 2

Courtney Axline of LearningRx Cedar Rapids was featured on CBS Channel 2 where she discussed tips to increase your brain power going into summer.

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LearningRx Chandler in Community Impact Newspaper

LearningRx Chandler owner and director Robyn Chancellor was featured in Community Impact newspaper to discuss 1-on-1 brain training.

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LearningRx featured on Franchise Chatter

Franchise Chatter featured LearningRx I its May 23 review of franchise performance, costs, fees and more.

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LearningRx on Sisterhood of Success podcast

On the May 25 episode of Sisterhood of Success, LearningRx’s Brain Skills Assessment was offered at 50% off an assessment and consultation.

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LearningRx Shreveport on KSLA

Donesa Walker of LearningRx Shreveport was featured on KSLA to discuss the summer reading program that the personal brain training center will be offering.

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LearningRx Warren on Stay Happening

LearningRx Warren’s June event, Introduction to LearningRx & Brain Training” was featured on Stay Happening.

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Teacher Terminology A Parent’s Guide to Educators’ Lingo

Accommodation: The use of material, a device, or a support process (e.g., giving the student more time than his classmates) to help a student learn or complete a task. Active Listening: A technique that has the listener repeat in his own words what the speaker has said in order to demonstrate his understanding. Benchmark: An ...

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