Brain Training Articles & News, Page 108

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Tips for Raising Successful Kids

“Successful” is a subjective term. The word may conjure different ideas for adulthood—wealth, power, or athletic prowess, for example. But in childhood, success is often measured in both tangible (e.g, grades, sports achievements, musical ability) and intangible ways (happiness, friendships, confidence). According to Bill Murphy Jr., author of “How to Raise Successful Kids,” there are five ...

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How to Identify if Your Child is Struggling with Reading

Learning to read is a complex process that starts in the early years of childhood. In the first couple years of life, kids who are read to by parents and caregivers begin to memorize passages in some of their favorite books and can answer questions about what they see on the pages. By preschool, kids ...

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Learning-related Acronyms and Phrases for Parents of School-aged Kids

ACT: American College Testing What it is: A national college admissions exam ADD/ADHD: Attention Deficit/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder What it is: A learning struggle associated with weak attention skills – and sometimes accompanied by hyperactivity AP: Advanced Placement What it is: College-level curriculum offered in high school ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorders What it is: Complex ...

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5 Things You Can Do if You Suspect a Learning Disability

Learning disabilities are common and affect nearly 1 in 10 American children, according to the National Institute of Health. Despite how common they are, however, they often go undiagnosed. When it comes to our kids, our gut instincts kick in when something doesn’t add up. If you suspect your child may be battling a learning ...

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Equipped For Excellence: The Maughon Boys Story

As the homeschool teacher for her three boys, Katy Maughon had the unique opportunity to see firsthand where her children were struggling in their education. “I have a huge advantage as their teacher and mom to see that there was a problem in different areas for each of them,” she said. “You just know your ...

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5 Types of Learning-Related Assessments

For parents of struggling learners, it’s sometimes hard to know where to start when it comes to choosing the right assessment. To help you navigate next steps, we’re sharing information about five types of learning-related assessments. While there are other types of learning-related assessments, these are some of the most common. Remember, the most important part ...

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What is a TBI, How Can it Affect the Brain and What Can Be Done to Boost Cognitive Skills?

A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, occurs when the brain is severely jarred or penetrated, causing damage to nerves and impairing function. The consequences of a TBI are determined by which parts of the brain sustain the injury. Anatomy of the brain The brain is divided into two hemispheres—the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere. ...

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Healthy After-School Snacks for Hungry Learners

The after-school munchies are real and for parents looking to balance healthy living with tastes that kids will love, it can be hard to come up snack ideas that can fill them up just enough until dinner! Here are 12 healthy options that will keep your little learner satiated without loading them up on sugar. ...

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LearningRx Dr. Amy and Kim appeared on The Modern Mommy Doc

LearningRx CEO Kim Hanson and Dr. Amy Moore appeared on “The Modern Mommy Doc” podcast to discuss optimizing your child’s learning.

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LearningRx Encintas featured in The Coast News

The Encinitas LearningRx Center was featured in a September 2021 article on “Why brain training instead of tutoring?” in The Coast News.

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