Brain Training Articles & News, Page 11

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Prevent Summer Slide with Tutoring Services

When the final school bell of the year rings, most students don’t intend to look at a single textbook for the rest of the summer. But for parents, this school-free period is an increasing source of anxiety. If your learner has already been struggling—if, for example, they’ve required tutoring services in the past—you may worry ...

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Tips to Help Make Reading Fun for Kids Over the Summer

Summer is a great time to unwind, relax, and enjoy time together, but it’s also a great opportunity to practice some essential skills like reading! The last thing you want to do is make it feel like more drudgery or more schoolwork, though, so what can you do to make reading fun for your kids ...

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10 Tips to Make Summer Reading More Fun

The concept of the “Summer Slide”—the loss of knowledge and academic skills over the long break from school—isn’t new. As far back as 1996, a comprehensive study about the phenomenon reported that kids lose significant gains in reading and math over the summer break. Worse still, those numbers are growing. Just check out these statistics ...

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Types of Learning and How Brain Training Adapts to How Your Child Learns

“I’m a visual learner.” How many times have you heard someone say that? You may have even heard that from your child. For decades, students of all ages have been subdivided by different types of learning—most commonly, auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learning. These methods are often used to convey how a particular individual learns most ...

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Tips for a Seamless Transition to College Life & Learning

Transitioning to college can be both exhilarating and overwhelming. From navigating new schedules to managing coursework, there’s a lot to juggle. With the right strategies, you can make this transition smooth and successful. Here are seven tips to help you navigate the transition to college life and learning with ease. #1: Create Organization Systems You’ll ...

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Life Skills Teens Won’t Learn in School That They Need Before College

Making sure your teen is ready for college means more than just making sure they’re academically prepared (even though that’s vital, too). College and post-high school life can be a shock for many teens who are not used to managing their own lives in some key areas. Our biggest advice? Stop doing everything for your ...

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A Brain-Based College Prep Checklist

As high school students prepare to embark on their college journeys, they often focus on academics, extracurriculars, and standardized tests. While these are undoubtedly important aspects of college preparation, there’s another crucial component that can significantly impact their success: whether their brain is ready for the independence and rigor of college academics. In today’s competitive ...

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Summer Learning Activities to Practice Math, Reading, and Writing

As the school year winds down and we gear up for the summer months, one concern many parents have is this: how are they going to keep their kids’ brains active? Summer learning activities don’t have to look like just more school (in fact, we think it shouldn’t!), but where do you start? For most ...

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Summer Reading Challenge: Read to Win Prizes!

We’re excited to announce our annual #readandchill Summer Reading Bingo for all ages! We want to get kids off the screens and into books this summer. Here are just a few reasons why: Here’s how it works: Here’s what you get (just for reading!) Prizes include goodies from Chick-Fil-A, Community Pie, Duck Donuts, Jason’s Deli, Jim-N’-Nick’s ...

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Understanding Cognitive Skills and How To Improve Them

Our brains are capable of extraordinary things—from seemingly simple tasks like seeing and recognizing familiar shapes to complex tasks like learning a language or picking up a new skill. All of these actions are possible thanks to our cognitive skills, which are the various functions and abilities that our brains are capable of.  Incredibly, our ...

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