Brain Training Articles & News, Page 110

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

5 Ways to gauge if your student is having trouble in school

Most kids aren’t eager to communicate when they’re having trouble at school. Sometimes the lack of sharing is due to embarrassment, shame, fear, or not wanting to worry a parent who may already be stressed about work, finances, family matters, or health issues. But there are methods you can use—and clues you can decipher—to help ...

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Tips to boost your child’s motivation for learning

There are a lot of reasons kids struggle with motivation when it comes to school but rarely do they have to do with laziness! Kids that are bored in class, have learning struggles, or just feel uncomfortable participating in class can all face unique challenges when it comes to staying focused, active and inspired. Don’t ...

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LearningRX Northeast Owner’s Path Comes Full Circle With Big Award

A profound moment nearly 30 years ago helped etch the path upon which Gina Cruz would ultimately follow, career-wise. Recently, that path came full circle with a first-of-its-kind business award and accomplishment marking years of service and advocacy for those who struggle with learning. The year was 1992. Cruz was a PAL, or Peer Assistant ...

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Tips to help your kids handle difficult situations at school

Every school year can bring its own challenges but this year is likely to add a few more. From hybrid learning and loneliness to academics and bullying, there is a lot kids could face in a time where nothing feels certain. Here are some tips to help your kids handle difficult situations at school. 1. ...

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The Well-Being Check-In: Academic/Cognitive

  With school officially underway, this is a good time for parents to check in on their children’s and teen’s academic and cognitive well-being. LearningRx, the world’s largest personal brain training company, has put together a simple guide to help parents better understand what’s working (and what’s not) now that school back in session. We’ve ...

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Congratulation on 10 Years and Many Changed Lives!

Congratulations to Karen who has been with us at the Savage location for the past 10 years! Karen is a former teacher who has a passion to help struggling students excel! Karen’s first LearningRx graduate, Christian, completed his training in the spring of 2010 and his parents were so excited: “We loved the family atmosphere ...

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A Valuable Resource for National Online Learning Day

September 15 is National Online Learning Day and for parents who are concerned about their student’s learning struggles will be happy to know that there’s a e-learning resource available from the comfort of your home. For individuals and families that don’t live or work near a LearningRx Center, we also offer online brain training options. Our ...

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5 Ways to Get in the Fall Spirit With Learning

There’s something special about the start of fall! Pumpkins start showing up on doorsteps, leaves begin to change colors and drop to the ground, and wardrobes shift from shorts and tank tops to cozy sweaters and leggings. If you’re someone who loves to celebrate autumn, we incorporate these five activities to get the whole family ...

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Can smart kids have ADHD?

One of the biggest misconceptions we hear at LearningRx is that smart kids can’t have a learning disability, such as ADHD. But nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, kids with learning disabilities often have average to above-average intelligence!  Just think of some of the most brilliant minds who were thought to have ...

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4 Practical Ways You Can Help Ease Your Child’s Back-to-School Anxiety

Back-to-school jitters are perfectly normal and after a school year that was anything but normal, they are almost certain to creep in again this fall. As parents, we can feel helpless when our kids express apprehension or anxiety about school but there are some powerful ways we can support our children during this transition.

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