Brain Training Articles & News, Page 113

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

7 Study Tips that can help your child finish the school year strong!

Are you concerned about your child’s study habits? These 7 simple actions may help. Since the 1930’s when Allen F. Morgenstern created a work simplification program and coined the idea of “working smarter, not harder,” this has been the battle cry of the American worker. But this concept does not just apply to people in ...

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What Does ADHD Look Like in High School and College-Aged Kids?

Focus is something we all need to accomplish big and small tasks in all areas of our lives…and it’s something we often take for granted. But for teenagers and college students struggling with attention issues, it can seem like an insurmountable hurdle that keeps them from accomplishing daily tasks and reaching their goals. Symptoms of ...

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7 Ideas for Teacher Appreciation Week (May 2-8)

Held the first full week of May every year, Teacher Appreciation Week recognizes the contributions that teachers have made to education and society. If you’re looking for affordable gift ideas to show your child’s teacher(s), LearningRx has some ideas: 1. An adult coloring book and a set of colored pencils. (HINT: There are a bunch ...

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Autism and Cognitive Skills Development: 4 Things You Need to Know

For children on the autism spectrum, learning doesn’t come easy. They commonly struggle with weak cognitive skills which make taking in information difficult and sometimes impossible. Facilitating the learning process for your autistic child starts by understanding these cognitive weaknesses and seeking early intervention to boost these skills. Here are four things we think you ...

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Understanding Autism and Why it Makes Reading Difficult

For parents with autistic children, teaching them to read can seem like an insurmountable hurdle. Let’s take a peek at what autism looks like, why reading is particularly challenging and how LearningRx can help!Early signs of autismWhile autism can go undiagnosed for many years, if you understand common signs of autism you may be able ...

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Tutoring versus Brain Training, which is the right solution for you child?

As parents, we want our children to grow in confidence and experience success. Whether it is clapping for them as they say their first words, praising them as we let go of the back of their bike or cheering for them on the sidelines of the high school soccer game, we are our children’s biggest ...

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April 23 is National “Take a Chance” Day

April 23 is National “Take a Chance’ Day and LearningRx would like you to consider taking a chance with one-on-one brain training! If you’ve tried tutoring for your student and weren’t satisfied with the results, it might be because you were addressing the wrong issue. Although tutoring and personal brain training are both great solutions, ...

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Suggested Reading for Teens

Engaging books for teenagers! Looking for some good suggestions to encourage a teen to pick up a book and read? Well, keep reading, there a several great recommendations below.  Jill, I, and our trainers frequently get asked about our recommendations for books for kids at various reading levels. One of the areas that is hardest ...

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