Brain Training Articles & News, Page 114

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Suggested Reading for Teens

Engaging books for teenagers! Looking for some good suggestions to encourage a teen to pick up a book and read? Well, keep reading, there a several great recommendations below.  Jill, I, and our trainers frequently get asked about our recommendations for books for kids at various reading levels. One of the areas that is hardest ...

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Help Your Child Get Organized and Finish the School Year Strong!

Organization is critical to good grades and academic success. Helping your child create a system for staying organized is one of the most important roles you can play in your child’s education. This year, getting organized is even more critical. Not sure where to start? Here are some great ideas to get you going! Choose ...

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Finding Out You Have Adult ADHD

Dr. Amy Moore, a cognitive psychologist with LearningRx, was recently featured in a WebMD article on emotions in adults with ADHD. The article, entitled, "Big Emotions From Learning You Have Adult ADHD" can be found here:   In the piece. Dr. Moore discusses her own late diagnosis of ADHD, as well as 1-on-1 brain training from ...

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Do You Know the Differences Between ADHD and Autism?

It can be challenging to decipher ADHD from autism spectrum disorder because they share some similarities. Both are neurodevelopmental disorders that can result in difficulty with focus, impulsive behavior, communication and relationship challenges. Armed with a little knowledge, however, you can spot the differences between the two disorders and seek the interventions that would best ...

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April is Mathematics Awareness Month

LearningRx has some great news about your child’s math struggles: no one is destined to be “just bad at math.” Sure, genes may play some role in math struggles, but dyscalculia (the fancy word for “trouble with numbers”) doesn’t have to be a permanent label. One-on-one brain training uses customized exercises and incorporates immediate feedback, ...

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Knocking it Out of the Park, in School and on the Field

It was a relief to know the issues I noticed were real and that we could begin to work toward a solution. Amelia Drew, otherwise known as “Meils” by friends and family, began first grade like many other students: average performance, some struggles in math and reading. But when Amelia Drew’s mother, Heather, didn’t see ...

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April is Autism Acceptance Month!

April is Autism Acceptance Month (previously referred to as “Autism Awareness Month”), and LearningRx is explaining the potential benefits of its program for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder.             “Cognitive skills, also known as ‘brain skills,’ are the fundamental tools we need to learn, read, remember, and pay attention,” explains Dr. Amy Moore, a cognitive psychologist ...

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Dr. Moore quoted in learning strategies article

Dr. Amy Moore was quoted as an education expert in this article about learning strategies.

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LearningRx Cedar Rapids on CBS Channel 2 Iowa

Courtney Axline of LearningRx Cedar Rapids appeared on CBS Channel 2 Iowa to share tips to lessen screen time and increase green time:

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The Daily Sentinel features LearningRx student successes

Grand Junction’s newspaper, The Daily Sentinel, picked up a piece about LearningRx student successes for Brain Awareness Week.

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