Brain Training Articles & News, Page 117

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

LearningRx Knoxville on Channel 6 ABC

Here’s LearningRx Knoxville on “Living East Tennessee” to discuss methods on sharpening cognitive skills.

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LearningRx Shreveport on KSLA Channel 12

Here’s Donesa Walker of LearningRx Shreveport appearing on KSLA Channel 12 to discuss Presidents Day and methods that LearningRx uses.

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LearningRx Shreveport on KTBS Channel 3 ABC

LearningRx Shreveport was featured on First Cup with First News on Channel 3 ABC.

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Yahoo! runs LearningRx contest winner

Yahoo! picked up the story about LearningRx announcing its national “Picture Our President” contest winner.

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LearningRx San Antonio NE on Channel 4

Here’s LearningRx San Antonio NE Director Gina Cruz appearing on Channel 4 with tips on how to reset our brains for the new year.

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6 Helpful Strategies to Boost Your Child’s Learning Confidence

Learning doesn’t always come easy for children. Sometimes there are one or two academic areas that are challenging while other times learning is challenging across the board. Learning challenges can stem from a simple lack of interest in a given subject area to social or emotional issues or a learning disability. Having a supportive parent ...

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LearningRx Savage teen finds a new love for learning!

Twin Cities Live recently aired this story about Ashley, a young woman who found a new love for learning after completing a LearningRx 1-on-1 brain training program in Savage, Minnesota. not only did she feel more confident and eager to learn, but also her friends and family noticed a difference in her cognitive abilities! Watch ...

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LearningRx Brain Training Shares Three Reasons Tasks are Easy for Some; Difficult for Others

February 27 is National “No-Brainer” Day and LearningRx (, the largest one-on-one brain training company in the world, is sharing three reasons tasks are easy for some but difficult for others. For people with learning struggles, tasks considered “no-brainers” for many others—reading, balancing a checkbook, managing time, staying organized or just paying attention for an ...

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Tutoring vs. Brain Training: Which Is The Best Fit for My Child’s Needs?

As parents, we want our children to grow in confidence and experience success. Whether it’s clapping for them as they say their first words, praising them as we let go of the back of their bike or cheering for them on the sidelines of the high school soccer game, we are our children’s biggest fans. ...

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LearningRx Announces National “Picture Our President” Contest Winner

Media Contact: Kim Hanson, CEO LearningRx (719) 264-8808 LearningRx (, the largest 1-on-1 brain training company in the world, is celebrating national “Picture Our President” contest winner, 9-year-old Brenna Czycalla. Brenna is enrolled in a one-on-one brain training program at the LearningRx center in Savage, Minnesota and designed the winning idea for adding Joseph Biden ...

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