Brain Training Articles & News, Page 119

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

3 Ways to Avoid the COVID Slide

Over the course of summer break, children experience what’s called “summer slide.” Summer slide happens when kids spend an extended period of time away from academics and forget some of what they learned during the previous school year. This year, teachers are gearing up for what educators are calling “COVID slide.” Many kids haven’t had ...

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What’s the Difference Between a Concussion and a TBI and How Can LearningRx Help?

Car accidents, combat and contact sports. What do these three seemingly unrelated events all have in common? Brain injury can occur in all three environments. Brain injury can take different forms and range in severity from mild to severe and life threatening. Injuries can be closed brain injuries or penetrating brain injuries. Closed brain injuries ...

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3 Ways Personal Brain Training May Help Improve Your Game Play

Today, July 8, is National Video Game Day (not to be confused with Video Games Day, which falls on September 12) and we think it’s the perfect time to point out 3 ways that personal brain training may actually help you improve your game play! Today we’re focusing on three specific cognitive skills, the challenges ...

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4 FAQs About Personal Brain Training

When people come to LearningRx for the first time, they typically have a lot of questions. It’s understandable, as we offer a unique service that’s very different than tutoring, brain games, or brain-focused apps. Here are four of the most commonly asked questions we get: 1. How is personal brain training different from tutoring? One ...

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4 Procedures to Train Cognitive Skills at Home (or in School)

Whether you’re a teacher, parent or combination of both, there are procedures you can use to help train students’ cognitive skills. Also known as brain skills, cognitive skills are the core skills our brains use to think, read, learn, remember, reason and pay attention. Working together, these skills take incoming information and move it into ...

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Are you a workaholic? How stress affects your brain

Today, July 5, is National Workaholics Day and according to Psychology Today nearly half of people (48%) identify as “workaholics.” Although the term may be somewhat subjective, there are some universally accepting signs that you may be a workaholic: 1. Working more than 40-50 hours a week 2. Difficulty setting boundaries related to work 3. ...

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10 Causes of Memory Loss (and what you can do!)

July 2 is  “I Forgot” Day, making it the perfect time to explain some of the main causes of memory loss. Read on to find out some of the most common factors that contribute to memory loss, as well as a what you can do to address the issue. 1. Sleep deprivation It’s not just ...

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How Beans Can Boost Your Brain Power

July 3rd is National Eat Your Beans Day and it got us thinking about how their key nutrients can boost your brain power, so we did a little digging. Here’s are some interesting facts: 1. Beans fall under the legumes food group, along with lentils and garbanzo beans. Legumes are also called "pulses" and packed ...

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LearningRx San Antonio NW story runs on Local Business Headlines site

Local Business Headlines picked up a feature on how LearningRx San Antonio Northwest is helping Northside Independent School District Students get back on track during the summer break.

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LearningRx Shreveport in Lola Magazine

LearningRx Shreveport owner Donesa Walker wrote a two-page feature on the “Summer Slide” for a recent issue of Lola Magazine.

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