Brain Training Articles & News, Page 125

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

The Myth About Dyslexia and Reading Letters Backwards

January 31 is National Backwards Day and LearningRx would like to clear up the myth about dyslexia and reading letters backwards. For years, many of us believed the dyslexia was about reading letters backwards. The reality of the reading struggle has nothing to do with seeing reversed letters. The truth is that 85% of learning-to-read ...

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LearningRx Launches Its “Picture Our New President!” Contest

LearningRx has launched its national "Picture Our New President!" Contest and your student could win $100 and a matching donation to their school or teacher by submitting the winning illustration! The image will be permanently added to the U.S. Presidents picture-graphic that all LearningRx clients use to improve their memory and visualization skills. Interesting in learning ...

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Brain Training for High Performers

To learn more about the habits of high performers and how LearningRx can help your student reach their goals, read more here.

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LearningRx: Brain Training for High Performers

Is your child a strong student who is driven by excellence? That’s fantastic! Does this mean that your child can’t benefit from brain training at LearningRx? Absolutely not. Brain training capitalizes on high-performing habits and boosts your child’s performance to an even greater degree. And the benefits of brain training extend beyond the classroom and ...

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We Have Programs for All Ages!

Throughout our lives, we never stop learning. From speech and language development through formal schooling and secondary education and into our young adult, middle-age and senior years, the world is an amazing place, ripe for discovery. The brain is always (and should always) be in a state of learning! But learning is not an easy ...

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Wait! Brain Training and Tutoring Are Two Different Things?

Brain training and tutoring are often confused, and understandably so. Both help facilitate learning—just from different angles. Learning requires both strong educational content and the cognitive ability to learn and apply this content. When someone is dealing with learning challenges, it’s necessary to assess the root cause so you know what kind of help to ...

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Is your child being bullied for a learning struggle?

January 18-22, 2021 is National No Name-Calling Week and LearningRx is sharing some tips on why bullies target struggling students—and what you may be able to do about it to help your child. How often are kids with learning struggles targets of bullying? According to Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center, children with disabilities were two ...

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New Year, New Brain

Brain training through LearningRx has the power to help individuals who struggle with a number of learning disabilities and disorders. This month, we’re going to look at seven of these disabilities and disorders and explain how brain training can help people whose lives are impacted in these ways. Learning disabilities: Cognitive skills allow us to ...

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From Homeschool Frustrations to Teaching Aspirations

“As a homeschooling mom, LearningRx helped lift the pressure to succeed and made ‘normal’ feel ‘excellent’.” For Kylie, what started as small, seemingly insignificant difficulties in third grade evolved into undeniable struggles by fifth grade. Despite the efforts of both Kylie and her mother and homeschool educator, Krista, Kylie was spending long hours on schoolwork, ...

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How Personal Brain Training Can Help Families This Semester

The fall semester of 2020 was challenging for most families, but few were harder hit than those with working parents. With students sometimes left to “fend for themselves” as parents were forced to focus their time and energy on their job, many students struggled to keep up with online school or hybrid learning. As a ...

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