Brain Training Articles & News, Page 13

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Summer Learning Activities and Games (Without Worksheets)

Keeping your child’s brain active through the summer months can be a challenge, especially if you have an active child who isn’t interested in worksheets. Summer learning is a great opportunity to make a shift into real-life application of what they’re learning, so instead of forcing it (or avoiding learning activities completely), here are some ...

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Tips to Help Kids Get Better at Critical Thinking

In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to think critically is a fundamental skill that children need to thrive. Strong critical thinking skills are essential for applying information in new situations, solving problems, evaluating information they hear or see, and many other areas of learning and life. Here are six practical strategies to help children develop ...

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Understanding Cognitive Skills and Their Impact on Learning

In the realm of education, understanding cognitive skills is paramount for effective teaching and learning. Each cognitive skill plays a crucial role in how individuals process and retain information, ultimately influencing their academic performance. This blog delves into various cognitive skills such as memory, executive processing speed, logic and reasoning, word attack, and attention. It ...

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Tips & Tricks for Mastering Multiple Choice Tests

Multiple choice tests are a big part of schooling and evaluations at all levels, from elementary school through college and beyond. But for many students, these tests are overwhelming and nerve-wracking. The best way to set yourself up for success in any exam situation is to study and prepare, but there are some helpful strategies ...

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How to Make Summer Reading More Enjoyable for the Whole Family

Whether you anticipate it eagerly or dread its arrival, summer reading season is upon us! Whether it’s organized through your local school, library, or your own initiative, ensuring your child remains engaged with books during the summer months is an excellent strategy to keep their minds active and growing, even outside the structured environment of ...

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Concerned About Your Child’s Grades? Get Homework Help Here!

When your child needs homework help or support with studying, many parents turn to tutoring services. But that’s not the only option—and it may not be the one that works for your student. Today, we’re exploring different forms of one-on-one assistance for kids and teens. When it comes to challenges with learning, studying, and homework, ...

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Responding to a Bad Report Card (Without the Lecture)

If your child or teen has ever brought home a disappointing report card, you probably went through a range of emotions: anger, worry, fear—and perhaps even doubt about your parenting skills. And while emotions aren’t up for debate (they’re feelings, after all), how you respond to those feelings is well within your control. In fact, ...

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ADHD Help – Life Before LearningRx vs. Life After LearningRx 

Connor breaks his life into 2 parts – life before LearningRx and life after LearningRx.  Connor had been struggling with attention issues and his parents were looking for ADHD help. Prior to his LearningRx training, Connor’s experience with completing homework was frustrating. He was not able to complete most of his work at school and ...

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ADHD Help – Life Before LearningRx vs. Life After LearningRx 

Connor breaks his life into 2 parts – life before LearningRx and life after LearningRx.  Connor had been struggling with attention issues and his parents were looking for ADHD help. Prior to his LearningRx training, Connor’s experience with completing homework was frustrating. He was not able to complete most of his work at school and ...

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ADHD Help – Life Before LearningRx vs. Life After LearningRx 

Connor breaks his life into 2 parts – life before LearningRx and life after LearningRx.  Connor had been struggling with attention issues and his parents were looking for ADHD help. Prior to his LearningRx training, Connor’s experience with completing homework was frustrating. He was not able to complete most of his work at school and ...

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