Brain Training Articles & News, Page 130

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Student #7 who moved mountains!!

Way to go, Jack, our Student #7! Read his story, here.

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Meet Jack – Student #7 who moved mountains!!

Jack had a tough start as he had to battle a rare type of cancer at a young age. Per his parents, “We were told by oncology that his cognitive skills would likely not improve.” Well, because of his LearningRx training that proved to be untrue! Before LearningRx, Jack could not sit still and he ...

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Using Brain Training to Battle COVID-19

A paper published in "Neuropsychopharmacology Reviews" investigated ways to overcome brain changes linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers discovered neurocognitive, attention, and memory problems akin to dementia in some people who became sick with this particular strain of coronavirus.  But as a discussion of the research points out, research also reveals that brain training ...

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Smart Mom’s Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Nationally renowned brain training experts Ken Gibson and Tanya Mitchell have created a free list to help parents shop for toys, games, and brain activities that will help improve their children’s learning skills. “Our hope is that parents will shop wisely for toys this year, purchasing toys that can help develop the cognitive skills that ...

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Congratulations, Kaitlin – Student Feature #8!

Meet Kaitlin, Student Feature #8! Read about Kaitlin, here.

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Congratulations, Kaitlin – Student Feature #8!

Way To Go, Kaitlin! Student Feature #8 Read her story, here.

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Congratulations, Kaitlin – Student Feature #8!

Kaitlin came to LearningRx because her dream was to become a nurse, but she was struggling to get through nursing school. She was incredibly motivated, but she had some cognitive skills like processing speed and long-term memory that were making test taking and staying on top of her work extremely difficult for her. 100% of ...

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Top 12 – Kate

Way to go, Kate! Kate is our student feature #10

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Meet Superstar, Will – 12 Days of Christmas Student #2!

Congratulations, Will! Our Student #2 Feature!

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Congratulations to Charlotte – Student Feature #9!

Way to stay young, Charlotte! Learn about Charlotte, here.

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