Brain Training Articles & News, Page 131

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Congratulations to Charlotte – Student Feature #9!

Way to stay young, Charlotte! Learn about Charlotte, here.

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The 2020 Smart Mom’s Toy Box

For some of us, the pressures and stresses of the holidays guilt us into stockpiling useless gifts that often end up in the donation bin after gathering dust. But 2020 feels like the year for change, so why not start with your gift-giving? LearningRx, the world’s largest personal brain training company, has put together a ...

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Toys, Games and Apps That Boost Brain Skills

Looking for some Christmas gift ideas that will help boost brain skills? Check out LearningRx team members not only review toys, games, apps, websites and books, but we also tell you which brain skills are boosted! Interested in learning more about cognitive skills? Check out our page explaining what they are, what each brain skill ...

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Top 12 – Kate

Way to go, Kate! Kate is our student feature #10 Learn about Kate, here.

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Top 12 – Kate

Congratulations to Kate – our student feature #10! Read about Kate, here.

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Top 12 – Kate

Kate came to us in 5th grade and had been struggling with her overall confidence and ability to work independently. With middle school looming, her parents were nervous as to how she would handle the transition. Kate did fantastic in training and her parents shared: “We worried about Kate going on to middle school, high ...

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December 2 is National Special Education Day

Before the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was signed into law on December 2, 1972, many people with disabilities received little to no education. Schools weren’t required to make accommodations for children with disabilities and many families couldn’t afford to send their students away to special schools. Thanks to the law being implemented, children ...

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12 Days of Christmas — #11 – Meet Adele!

Congratulations to #11, we are so proud to feature Adele who struggled with attention issues and homework difficulties. Her story is below! Adele’s Story

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12 Days of Christmas — #11 – Meet Adele!

Adele’s mom shares, “I can’t begin to say how much this brain training changed my daughter’s life. Before starting the program, she struggled with ADD-type qualities, spelling, processing things slowly, and getting her homework done in a timely fashion (as a 4th grader it took her around 2 hours every night). She has now completed ...

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12 Days of Christmas — #11 – Meet Adele!

Way to go, Adele! You are our student feature #11! Read her story, here.

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