Brain Training Articles & News, Page 134

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

The Importance of Testing and How LearningRx Can Help

Some of the most important skills your child will need during their primary, secondary and college years (and likely beyond!) are solid test-taking skills. When these skills are lacking, students are easily frustrated with school and teachers and parents can wrongfully assume that they aren’t grasping the information they’re being taught. However, test taking requires ...

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November 27 is National Buy Nothing Day

While some folks will be focused on Black Friday shopping this year, others will be celebrating November 27 as National Buy Nothing Day. LearningRx would like to suggest four alternative “gifts” that parents can give their children to help them get through life—not just the long Christmas break: 1. Responsibility. Coddling children does them a disservice ...

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7 Tried and True Study Tips

Since the 1930’s when Allen F. Morgenstern created a work simplification program and coined the idea of “working smarter, not harder,” this has been the battle cry of the American worker. But this concept does not just apply to people in the workforce. Students can also adopt techniques that allow them to work smarter, not ...

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November 19 is National Play Monopoly Day

Thursday, November 19 is National Play Monopoly Day and LearningRx (, the largest one-on-one brain training company in the world, wants you to know about the brain-boosting benefits of the game. Of course, the game is fun and makes for a great night of family bonding, but it also boosts important cognitive skills, including strategy, ...

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Habits of Successful Students

In order to set your child up for success in school, there are some important habits you can help your child develop. The habit of staying organized and managing time Students who succeed in their studies are organized and know how to plan ahead. They keep track of their books, notebooks, folders and papers. They ...

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My Fantabulous Brain is here!

National award-winning children’s author, counselor, and parenting expert Julia Cook, M.S. has partnered with LearningRx to create a new book, “My Fantabulous Brain.” Why the book is needed: For many children, learning doesn’t come easy. They have trouble focusing, struggle with schoolwork, and can’t make sense of instructions. It’s common for these challenges to cause ...

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Improve Productivity with These Tips for Your Child’s Virtual Learning Space

Working from home can be a big adjustment. Setting up our workspaces to minimize distractions and maximize productivity is crucial to success. And the same goes for our children. The ‘20-’21 school year is anything but conventional and most children are either participating in full-time distance learning or a hybrid model where they are doing ...

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LearningRx Columbus-Dublin on Daytime Columbus Channel 4

David O’Reilly of LearningRx Columbus-Dublin appeared on NBC Channel 4’s “Daytime Columbus” to discuss LearningRx and how the personal brain training can help students who are struggling.

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LearningRx Owatonna featured in Owatonna People’s Press

Darci Stanford, the owner owner of LearningRx Owatonna, was featured in an article in the Owatonna People’s Press. Read the article here.

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LearningRx Richmond Hill opens as first in Canada

LearningRx, the world’s largest personal brain training company, opened its first center in Canada.

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