Brain Training Articles & News, Page 136

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Brain Training: The Best Kept Secret

ADHD/Dyslexia Month is here; and WDVM talks with LearningRx Reston LearningRx Tysons about how brain training can help with symptoms of ADHD and Dyslexia!

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Myths and Indicators of Dyslexia

This is Dyslexia Awareness Month and dyslexia impacts 5 – 15% of all Americans! There can be a lot of confusion as to what constitutes dyslexia vs. simply a difficulty with reading. Let’s look at some common myths about dyslexia. Reading backward and/or reversing letters means an individual is dyslexic It is common for younger ...

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Holiday Games

LearningRx Reston’s Maureen Loftus shares top games that you can put under the tree that provide fun for the entire family and strengthen the brain. Click here to watch the video!

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October is National Dyslexia Month

October is National Dyslexia Month and what better time to learn more about your struggling reader’s unique needs and how to address them? Did you know that approximately 85% of all reading struggles are caused by weak auditory processing skills? This cognitive skill is what the brain uses to hear, segment, and blend sounds. it’s ...

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Common Myths and Signs of Dyslexia

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month so we want to take some time to look at the topic in detail. Did you know that dyslexia affects 5-15% of all Americans? That’s somewhere between 14.5-43.5 million people in the U.S. alone. There are many signs of dyslexia that present themselves as people age. Let’s explore signs that ...

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Concussion Recovery with Brain Training

Local college student recovers from 3 concussions with the help of LearningRx brain training. Watch her recite the presidents backwards while juggling a soccer ball.

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Iraq war vet

Learn about Pat Horan’s recovery from a traumatic brain injury with LearningRx brain training on Fox5 News. Click here to watch the video!

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Brains of boys and girls have equal math abilities

A Carnegie Mellon University study seems have put the "nature vs. nurture" question to rest regarding gender differences in math ability. The research team comprehensively examined the brain development of young boys and girls and found not gender difference in brain function or math abilities. The results were published in the November 8, 2019 journal ...

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Working Memory: A Critical Skill for Successful Learning

For those whom learning comes easily, you may not give a second thought to your working memory and the important role it plays in your ability to absorb and synthesize information. However, an inadequate working memory can make it nearly impossible to focus and learn. Children who have poor working memory face common challenges and ...

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Free Brain Training

Trade a bad report card for two free LearningRx brain training sessions with LearningRx Tysons. Get to the root cause and help improve your child’s cognitive skills. Click here to watch the video.

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