Brain Training Articles & News, Page 138

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

LearningRx Owatonna earns Board Certified Cognitive Center designation

This announcement from the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES) explains that the LearningRx Owatonna staff has completed an evidence-based training and certification program through IBCCES focused on autism, ADHD, anxiety and dyslexia.

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LearningRx Owatonna recognized by international board tidings

Staff at the LearningRx Owatonna personal brain training center has undergone 14 or more hours of evidence-based training provided through IBCCES and has earned the distinction of Board Certified Cognitive Center.

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New Kerala shares LearningRx’s national contest news

The news, information and entertainment site New Kerala shared an announcement from LearningRx Chattanooga about the company’s national contest runner up winner.

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Owatonna People’s Press shares LearningRx news

A Minnesota newspaper shared the news that the LearningRx Owatonna center has received certification from the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards after its staff completed specialized training programs and certifications related to ADHD, anxiety, autism and dyslexia.

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Release spotlights LearningRx Owatonna’s new certification

A press release about LearningRx Owatonna becoming a Board Certified Cognitive Center was published on News Break. The personal brain training center was recently designated as a board-certified cognitive center.

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Updated reprint of interview with Dr. Ken Gibson published on Pioneer Daily

This interview with Dr. Ken Gibson, the founder and CEO of LearningRx, was shared again as an updated reprint on

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How Brain Training Could Save Your School Year

Many parents were already worried about the effects of school closures last spring. But as the 2020 school year began, we also realized that nothing was returning to “business as usual.” Whether your student is doing homeschooling, distance learning, in-person schooling or some hybrid mix, you may be starting to weigh the benefits of outside ...

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Three Critical Components of Successful Learning

Both children and adults learn better when a certain combination of elements is present. When it comes to shepherding your child’s learning, providing them with high-quality educational content, keeping kids motivated and developing strong processing skills are the most important tasks. Let’s take a closer look at these three components of successful learning. Successful learning ...

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Games under 15 min

Learning about games you can play in less than 15 minutes that train your brain to make learning easier and faster. Click here to watch the video!

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Holiday Games

Learn about family-fun brain training games for the holidays! No screen time…family fun time!

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