Brain Training Articles & News, Page 142

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

The Breeze features story on LearningRx’s national contest winner

JMU’s award-winning newspaper, The Breeze, published a piece on LearningRx’s national personal brain training contest winner, ESL teacher Elizabeth Benedict.

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The Central Virginian Shares LearningRx story on national contest winner

LearningRx announced the winner of its national personal brain training contest winner, Elizabeth Benedict, an ESL teacher. The newspaper featured the story on its website.

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The Research Says….There is hope for those who have suffered Traumatic Brain Injuries!

LearningRx works with individuals of all ages and has helped many individuals who have suffered the negative impacts of traumatic brain injuries (TBI). It is common for those who have experienced a TBI to be told that once an you are 12-15 months out from the TBI event, this is your new normal. If your ...

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Back to School

Get your brain ready for back to school. Learn about brain training activities that can make learning easier and faster on WJLA-TV (ABC) Good Morning Washington WJLA-TV!

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Games under 15 min

LearningRx shares games that exercise your brain and provide fun for the entire family. Click here to watch!

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Looking for a tutor for the new school year? Is tutoring your best choice?

Lily’s mom did not settle for another year of tutoring and only addressing the symptoms of her daughter’s learning struggles. Watch Lily’s story, reported on Twin Cities Live, below:

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Looking for a tutor for the new school year? Is tutoring your best choice?

The start of this school year is like no other – distance learning mixed with at school learning for most districts. Most parents had a taste of distance learning this past spring and many are not looking forward to more. If your child struggled with school this past year you may be looking for a ...

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10 Tips to Help Parents (and Grandparents!) Who are Homeschooling

We scoured the web, asked our experts and compiled our best tips from personal experience to share some advice on homeschooling. Whether you’re a working parent, a retired grandparent or a stay-at-home parent juggling multiple kids, we have faith that you can make homeschooling work for you and your family! Check out these ideas to ...

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ADHD Awareness

LearningRx talks about games you can play to strengthen your attention and other critical skills for making learning easier and faster. Click here to watch the video!

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Brain Awareness

Learn how to keep your brain strong as you age by keeping your brain sharp while playing games. LearningRx on Good Morning Washington anchors try a few games.

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