Brain Training Articles & News, Page 144

Want the latest news in brain science? Tips on how to build stronger learning and thinking skills? Updates about what’s happening at LearningRx? Browse brain training articles and news from LearningRx below!

Changing Lives with Excellence!

I’m so proud of my Woodbury team for not only celebrating over 8 years of changing lives, but for doing it with excellence. The Woodbury LearningRx center won the Excellence in Customer Service award based on the feedback and ratings we have received from our clients this past year. At LearningRx, we love our families ...

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Gibson Institute research in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

Here’s a study by Dr. Amy Lawson Moore of the Gibson Institute of Cognitive Research that was published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience:

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LearningRx cited on Toronto Children’s Therapy Centre page

LearningRx was cited as an expert source on Toronto Children’s Therapy Centre’s site.

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LearningRx Indianapolis NE in Indy’s Child

Here’s a piece from Indy’s Child featuring LearningRx Indianapolis Northeast and owner Heather Koenig:

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LearningRx Shreveport on KSLA Channel 12 News

Here’s a segment that appeared on KSLA New Channel 12 about LearningRx Shreveport doing personal brain training.

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LearningRx video published on

LearningRx’s video about brain training was published on Franchise Direct’s website:

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ADDitude Shares “The Homework System that really works” for Kids With ADHD

ADDitude Magazine has a great article about the importance of routines to help replace after-school tantrum among children and tweens with ADHD. Some of the highlights from the article include: 1. Ensure students have time to write down their homework assignments in class. 2. Establish "study buddies," when possible. They can check each other’s assignment ...

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3 Ways to Boost Your Child’s Self-Esteem

Do you have a son who is so incredibly shy that the first day of school is enough to wreak havoc on his digestive tract? Or a daughter who you worry won’t make friends due to her constant fear of meeting new people? If so, you’re not alone. While some scientists may argue that shyness ...

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Trainer of the Month Drake Cappi

Congratulations Drake! Drake brings his expertise to LearningRx as a graduate of the University of California, Irvine. Armed with a psychology degree, experience as a teaching assistant, and passion for seeing his student’s breakthrough their challenges, Drake has facilitated amazing results. His clients have ranged from 6 to 65 years of age and he loves ...

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My Why!

Hello – my name is Rich Frieder and I am the owner of the LearningRx centers in Eagan, Savage and Woodbury. I’m often asked why I decided to open the centers. What was my “why”? For my wife, Adele, and me our main “why” was our youngest daughter. We have three daughters and our 2 ...

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